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This is a little Django web application that does an OpenDrift Leeway simulation with a set of provided parameters via a web form. The result is sent to a user via e-mail.

This is an experimental tool to help Search and Rescue operations. An experimental service is available at

Sample output from the leeway tool (100 points, 1km radius, south of Lampedusa):

Example leeway output


Django users have to be created in the CRUD backend, available at E-mail addresses should be added for users as they receive the result via e-mail.

The program regularly fetches incoming mails via IMAP and starts simulations from key-value-pairs in the mail subject or text body. The sender of the mail needs to have an associated account. Allowed keys via e-mail are: longitude, latitude, object_type, radius, duration, start_time. The separator between key and value is =. Key-value-pairs are separated by ; in the subject and by new lines in the text body. The date format for start date is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

API usage

API documentation can be found at:

Authentication can be provided in two ways:

  1. Via your session cookie, obtained from the normal login
  2. Via an authentication token, can be obtained via /api/auth/login/


Prerequisite: Python 3.8 or later is required.

  1. Clone this repository and change into the new directory:
    git clone leeway
    cd leeway
  2. Create a virtual environment outside of the project directory and activate it:
    python3 -m venv ~/.venv
    source ~/.venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the dependencies:
    pip install -e .[dev]
  4. Create minimal config file /etc/opendrift-leeway-webgui.ini to enable DEBUG mode:
    DEBUG = True
  5. Initialize the database:
    cd opendrift_leeway_webgui
    python3 migrate
    python3 createsuperuser
  6. Build the enhanced Docker container:
    cd opendrift
    docker build -t opendrift-leeway-custom .

Development Server

  1. Switch into the cloned project and then into the opendrift_leeway_webgui subdirectory.
  2. Open two terminals:
    1. In the first terminal run:
      source ../.venv/bin/activate
      python3 runserver
    2. In the second terminal run:
      source ../.venv/bin/activate
      celery -A leeway worker -l INFO


Run bumpver update to perform the following tasks with one command:

  1. Bump the version in pyproject.toml
  2. Create a version bump commit
  3. Create a new version tag
  4. Push the commit and tag
  5. Create a new release on PyPI via GitHub Actions

Production Server

This details the installation on Debian with Apache2 and mod_wsgi.

  1. Create target directory on the production system:
    sudo mkdir /opt/iopendrift-leeway-webgui
    sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/opendrift-leeway-webgui
  2. Create the virtual environment:
    sudo -u www-data bash
    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the application into the virtual environment:
    pip install opendrift-leeway-webgui
  4. Copy the example config file to /etc/opendrift-leeway-webgui.ini and fill in the template
  5. Install Docker and add the docker group to the www-data user.
  6. Create symlink to facilitate the Apache configuration:
    ln -s $(python -c "from opendrift_leeway_webgui.core import wsgi; print(wsgi.__file__)") .
  7. Configure Apache2 according to the example.
  8. Set up Celery worker with leeway-celery.service and start the service.