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Codevember 2020

Do something cool, neat, and rad with code.

Do it during November 2020.

Code your own dope website.

10 Simple Steps

  1. Open this project in CodeSandbox
  2. Sign in to CodeSandbox (with either Google or GitHub)
  3. Fork this project (by clicking the Fork button at the top right)
  4. Open the index.html file in the sandbox's code editor. (It should already be open for you.)
  5. Replace "Codevember 2020" on line 60 with your name
    • Example: <h1>Heat Wave Dave</h1>
    • Once you've finished typing, the browser preview window on the right should automatically reload and show your name
  6. Congratulations! You've just started coding! Keep changing things and seeing what happens. (You can begin simply by changing all code in this boilerplate that looks like __TITLE__ or __AUTHOR__ in index.html and site.webmanifest to whatever you'd like.)
  7. Think of something cool to build, and start Googling how to do it in HTML, CSS, and JS. (Googling how to do stuff is 90% of what most web developers do on a regular basis. You're virtually a web dev now!)
  8. Join the Friends Worldwide Slack group to get help, discuss ideas, or just have a good time.
  9. Once you've built your dope website, you're gonna wanna share it! Add your project to the list of Codevember 2020 projects
  10. Check out everyone else's projects

Extra steps

If you check out the code, you'll notice a lot of stuff that looks like __THIS__. Anything you see in that format is intended to be replaced. Do a "find and replace" with your text editor and change out the following things in each file:


what to change example
__TITLE__ "My Portfolio"
__DESCRIPTION__ "The portfolio of George Washington."
__KEYWORDS__ "portfolio, george, washington"
__AUTHOR__ "George Washington"
#1d201f #42A5F5


what to change example
__TITLE__ George Washington
__SHORTNAME__ George
#000000 #f8f8f8
#000000 #42A5F5


Change the tile color from #1d201f to your theme color (ex: #42A5F5).


There are a lot of images in this folder that you'll want to replace with your own. Make sure you replace each with an image of the corresponding size and type. I used the real favicon generator to create most these images, and it's the easiest way for you to do the same!

Bonus stuff

You can either delete index.js and sound.mp3 or play around with them.
Get funky!

Happy Hacking! :)