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Fastapi Redis

This package provides a client that integrates with Fastapi and provides a decorator to cache fastapi controllers responses.


$ pip install fastapi-redis



Setting the data

import redis_client from fastapi_redis

redis_client.set('some_key', 'some_data')

Models can be saved as well and the client will serialize them to json:

import redis_client from fastapi_redis
from pydantic.main import BaseModel

    data: str

redis_client.set('some_key', MyModel(data='some_data'))
redis_client.set('some_key', MyModel(data='some_data_that_expires'), expiration=timedelta(days=1))

The data can be saved using the Fastapi Background Tasks so it wouldn't generate any delay on the response to the user:

import redis_client from fastapi_redis

async def my_controller_method(background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    redis_client.set_in_background(background_tasks, 'some_key', 'some_data')
    redis_client.set_in_background(background_tasks, 'some_key', MyModel(data='some_data_that_expires'), expiration=timedelta(days=1))

Getting the data

import redis_client from fastapi_redis

some_data = redis_client.get('some_key')

@redis_cache decorator

The @redis_cache decorator can be used to cache the response from a controller. Any argument of the controller can be used to specify the key of the data to store and if background_tasks: BackgroundTasks is defined as an argument it will store the data in the background as well:

import redis_client from fastapi_redis

@router_cache('resource_{id}_{}', timedelta(days=1))
async def my_controller_method(id: str,
                               user: User = Depends(get_current_user)
                               background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    return some_data_that_will_be_cached

Reset data

Sometimes you want to reset what's on the cache and reprocess the response of the method/function/api without waiting for the timeout, these can be archieved sending the variable reset_cache to the @router_cache() decorator:

import redis_client from fastapi_redis

@router_cache('resource_{id}_{}', timedelta(days=1))
async def my_controller_method(id: str,
                               reset_cache: str = None,
                               user: User = Depends(get_current_user)
                               background_tasks: BackgroundTasks):
    return some_data_that_will_be_cached

This way when the user sends to this url the query parameter ?reset_cache=true it will reprocess the data and cache it again.