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VPC Flow Logs Analytics

Analytics project provides a generic tool for analyzing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Flow Logs.

Why Use Analytics?

  • It exploits VPC Flow Logs structure, gaining deep insights regarding traffic behavior in the cloud.
  • It uses state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to find network anomalies.
  • It displays the analytics in a comprehensive manner.

Notebooks List

Notebook Action
alerts Alerts on massive traffic to a single destination
anomalies_ae Detects anomalies in multi dimensional signal using autoencoder
anomalies_cnn Detects anomalies in 1d time series using fully convolutional network
avg_packet Plots a histogram of the average packet size distribution
daily_traffic Plots a graph of the daily traffic in the network
hotspots Detects network hotspots
in_out Compares inbound to outbound traffic of an instance
port_distibution Plots a chart of the distribution of the ports used in the network
rejection_rate Displays the rejection rate of an instance
tcp_flows Compares one-way to two-way TCP connections
top_countries Displays a table of the top talking countries
top_talking_pairs Plots a graph of the top talking pairs


  • IPython Notebook with Python 3
  • Flow Logs in IBM format

Install Analytics Package

To install Analytics package and its dependencies, run the following command:
$ pip install git+

Quick Start with IBM Watson Studio

Import Analytics Notebook

To import Analytics notebook into a Watson Studio project, create a new notebook, select the From URL tab and provide the URL link for the notebook.

Load Data

Option 1 - Load a Local File or a Data Asset

  1. Open an empty code cell in your notebook.
  2. Click the Find and Add Data icon, and then browse a data file or drag it into your notebook sidebar.
  3. Click Insert to code link below the file and choose Insert pandas DataFrame.

Option 2 - Load from IBM Cloud Object Storage

To load data from a bucket in IBM COS, follow these steps:

  1. Run $ from data_preparation import download_file_cos.
  2. Go to IBM Cloud and choose Service credentials -> New credential. provide the reqired name and access role.
  3. After the new credential was generated, click on the View credentials tab and copy its content.
  4. Call download_file_cos(credentials, bucket, file). Provided with the credentials from step (3), this function loads file from bucket and returns it as a Pandas DataFrame.


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