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DataPortal base theme

UI prototype


To start working on this extension you will need Virtualbox and Vagrant

We gave 4096MB of RAM to the VM. If you wish you can change this in the Vagrantfile

Start Virtual Machine

./bin/ --rebuild

Take a break for 10-15 min :).

If this is not the first time you start the project, and no new backend dependencies where added since your last start, you can speed things up by alternatively running the same command without --rebuild:


If you have errors in during start, please check that you have the latest Vagrant and Virtualbox, or try to run step by step the commands from Installing CKAN from source documentation

Now you can access ckan instance on

You have 4 available users:

admin (password: "changeme") - sysadmin
demo (password: "changeme") - admin user in Code4 Organisation
editor (password: "changeme") - editor user in Code4 Organisation
member (password: "changeme") - regular user(member) in Code4 Organisation

Happy Hacking :)

Translating content

All texts in the templates or controllers should be written in english using i18n tags. If you added a new string or block you need to run (from /vagrant, with the virtualenv activated):

python extract_messages
python update_catalog --locale ro -d  ckanext/dataportaltheme/plugin/i18n/
python update_catalog --locale hu -d  ckanext/dataportaltheme/plugin/i18n/

After you modify the .po file for each language, run this command:

python compile_catalog --locale ro -d ckanext/dataportaltheme/plugin/i18n/

Restore the database

paster --plugin=ckan db clean -c /etc/ckan/default/development.ini
sudo -u postgres pg_restore --clean --if-exists -d ckan_default < /data/ckan.dump

CKAN Documentation

CKAN Docs CKAN Extensions Tutorial CKAN Theming guide


Add static pages extension example Base template UI prototype


If you would like to contribute to one of our repositories, first identify the scale of what you would like to contribute. If it is small (grammar/spelling or a bug fix) feel free to start working on a fix. If you are submitting a feature or substantial code contribution, please discuss it with the team and ensure it follows the product roadmap.

Our collaboration model is described here and more details about how to contribute to our project can be found here.