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Minor release

yanavasileva edited this page Aug 29, 2019 · 21 revisions

Update versions

When releasing a minor version of Spring Boot Starter, we should always include the latest minor version of Camunda BPM available at this moment. For this, check the value of property camunda.version in pom.xml.

Also, consider updating to the newest version of Spring Boot. If simply updating dependency breaks some tests, then discuss the necessity of update with the project lead.

After this update Versions Compatibility matrix.

Adjust and migrate Getting Started guide

Perform the actions described in Platform Minor Release doc for Spring Boot Get Started Guide.

Adjust and migrate examples

Test and adjust the existing Spring Boot examples for the new minor release. Do the following steps for this.

  • Clone the Git Repository
  • Adjust following properties in the Maven pom.xml of the current example
  • Follow the README of the current example to test it
  • Run JUnit tests manually, if present
  • Push the changes to the master branch
  • Do the steps before for all examples

Create a tag for the minor release version

Optional: Create a new branch for the minor release to push all the changes to the branch and merge it to master when the new minor release exists. This allow to have the examples runnable until the release is finished.

Write the Update Guide

Write the Update Guide if needed. Ideally, there must be something there already in case not backward compatible changes were made to the codebase.

Run release build

Check in CamBPM Jenkins that the previous CI-build for the chosen branch, e.g. master, is green - no compilation or test failures.

Trigger the 'Build Job with Parameters' button with following settings:

  • RELEASE: true
  • PUSH_CHANGES: true (default)
  • USE_LOCAL_CHECKOUT: false (default)
  • SKIP_DEPLOY_TO_MAVEN_CENTRAL: false (default)
  • SKIP_DEPLOY_TO_CAMUNDA_NEXUS: false (default)
  • CAMBPM_VERSION: 7.8.0 - the Camunda platform version against which the Spring Boot Starter will be built
  • NEXT_CAMBPM_VERSION: 7.9.0-SNAPSHOT- the next development version of Camunda platform. That way we will continue to test the spring boot starter with the latest changes from the platform after the release.

Test the build

To test the build the examples can be used:

Release JIRA

Go to the appropriate version in JIRA and press the Release button (can be done by JIRA admins only). E.g. .

Release Maven Central

After the Release job successfully ran, we will have new staging Maven repository in Maven Central. In order to make them publicly available, we need to manually close the staging repositories and release the artifacts.

  1. Go to Maven Central and login using the credentials found in our Confluence
  2. On the left side, click on the 'Staging Repositories' link.
  3. After it has been loaded, scroll down to the bottom of the list. You should find the relevant Camunda staging repositories there.
  4. Mark the repository you want to release. For Example: org.camunda.bpm.springboot.project:camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-root:2.3.0
  5. Click on 'Release' at the menu on top of the list. A window will pop up were you can enter a description but it is not necessary. Activate 'Drop repository after release automatically'. Then proceed.


Release the Staged Docs

Run following Jobs:

Publish a blog post

In case of patch releases only if the patch has significant bug fixes.

Announce the release

Trigger Michael Schoettes or Marketing to make a mailing and post it on social media (if needed).

Patch release

  1. Create a branch with the changed snapshot version. Example for 3.2.1 patch, create 3.2 branch with 3.2.1-SNAPSHOT version Here is commit exmple:
  2. Follow the Minor Release guide, starting in the section Run release build