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    conda create --name nikola python=3
    conda activate nikola
    pip install Nikola[extras]

Building the website locally

    conda activate nikola
    nikola build

Depending on your configuration, you might have to set an environment variable to avoid conflicts over the jupyter configuration. E.g. on Windows:

    conda activate nikola
    nikola build

To serve the website locally:

    nikola serve -b

Alternatively, you can use the following command to develop locally, it will build and serve the website, and rebuild it whenever a file changes:

    nikola auto

Deploy the website

    nikola github_deploy

Writing new posts

Posts are either "articles" or "news" and should be created in the respective directories of the current year (e.g. articles/2020 or news/2020). Additionally, they have to set the category metadata to either news or article. They should also in general set a number of tags.

Writing articles

Articles are jupyter notebook files. By default, a special header is added to their rendering on the website. This header contains an automatically generated "launch binder" badge, and a link to the general "Notes on Notebooks" article. Note that this header is only included on the website, it will not be shown on binder or when downloading the notebook.

If you do not want this header to be added, set hide_notebook_header to true in the notebook's metadata.

In addition, copy & paste the following HTML code to the beginning of the notebook (in a markdown cell):

<div class="notebook-quickstart">
To run the code below:
<li>Click on the cell to select it.</li>
<li>Press <code>SHIFT+ENTER</code> on your keyboard or press the play button
   (<button class='fa fa-play icon-play btn btn-xs btn-default'></button>) in the toolbar above</li>
Feel free to create new cells using the plus button
(<button class='fa fa-plus icon-plus btn btn-xs btn-default'></button>), or pressing <code>SHIFT+ENTER</code> while this cell
is selected.

This header will not be shown on the website, but included when you run the notebook on mybinder or locally.

To shorten the article preview (e.g. for its use in the RSS feed), you can add the following comment after the initial paragraphs:

<!-- TEASER_END -->

Articles can also have a preview image that will be used in the article overview, or e.g. in twitter posts. This preview image should be quadratic and at least 120x120 pixels in size. If you put an image with the same name as the notebook in files/images in the same folder hierarchy, it will be automatically used as a preview image. For example, the preview image for file articles/2020/my_notebook.ipynb should be named files/images/articles/2020/my_notebook.png (or .jpeg, etc.) Alternatively, you can specify it explicitly using by setting the previewimage metadata.


Source for the Brian simulator website






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