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@pypa @python @microsoft @Azure @psf
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Open Source

Last updated 2024-05-29.


I have started 18 projects which have received at least one external contribution.

(Sorted by .)

  1. python-launcher
  2. caniusepython3
  3. desugar
  4. microvenv
  5. sans-io
  6. mousebender
  7. oplop
  8. record-type
  9. stdlib-stats
  10. WWBD
  11. dotfiles
  12. riscv-harmony
  13. check-for-changed-files
  14. release-often
  16. py-pip
  17. travelbrag
  18. importlib


Over the past 21 years, I have made some commit to 232 projects.

(Grouped by commit count.)

≥ 103
  1. python/cpython
≥ 102
  1. python/peps
  2. microsoft/vscode-python
  3. microsoft/vscode-jupyter
  4. python/devguide
  5. microsoft/Pyjion
  6. gidgethub/gidgethub
  7. python/the-knights-who-say-ni
  8. pypa/packaging
≥ 101
  1. microsoft/pvscbot
  2. python/importlib_resources
  3. PyCQA/modernize
  4. python/bedevere
  5. python/devinabox
  6. microsoft/vscode-docs-archive
  7. dabeaz/curio
  8. microsoft/vscode-docs
  9. python/core-workflow
  10. pypa/
  11. elixir-lang/
  12. uranusjr/packaging-metadata-comparisons
  13. angular/angular.js
  14. pypa/setuptools
  15. python-trio/trio
  16. microsoft/vscode-dev-containers
  17. dusty-phillips/rescript-zora
  18. microsoft/vscode-python-devicesimulator
  19. Azure-Samples/Azure-MachineLearning-DataScience
  20. Azure/msrest-for-python
  21. ethanhs/python-wasm
  22. microsoft/TypeScript-Handbook
  23. python-hyper/uritemplate
  24. pypa/distutils
  25. Azure/msrestazure-for-python
  26. orsenthil/cpython-hg-to-git
  27. python-hglib
≥ 100
  1. benjaminp/six
  2. python3statement/
  3. python/buildmaster-config
  4. python/steering-council
  5. JuliaLang/julia
  6. dusty-phillips/match-variant
  7. microsoft/vscode-anaconda-extension-pack
  8. python/blurb
  9. rescript-association/
  10. microsoft/vscode-telemetry-extractor
  11. eclipse-archived/
  12. beeware/toga
  13. python/cherry-picker
  14. Azure/azure-sdk-for-python
  15. rust-lang/rust
  16. python/typeshed
  17. micktwomey/pyiso8601
  18. lustre-labs/lustre
  19. microsoft/vscode
  20. python/planet
  21. aosabook/500lines
  22. cookiecutter/cookiecutter
  23. python/typing
  24. openlawlibrary/pygls
  25. square/dagger
  26. WebAssembly/design
  27. Homebrew/legacy-homebrew
  28. pypa/pipenv
  29. Homebrew/homebrew-core
  30. micropython/micropython
  31. vstinner/misc
  32. python/psf-salt
  33. dotnet/docs
  34. microsoft/vscode-wiki
  35. Mariatta/github-bot-tutorial
  36. jazzband/pip-tools
  37. inko-lang/inko
  38. badges/shields
  39. python/python-docs-theme
  40. dabeaz/ply
  41. microsoft/TypeScript-wiki
  42. python/core-sprint
  43. bytecodealliance/wasmtime
  44. python-hyper/h2
  45. microsoft/vscode-isort
  46. MPOS/php-mpos
  47. beeware/liquid-demo
  48. larryhastings/appeal
  49. astral-sh/ruff
  50. sarugaku/resolvelib
  51. thechangelog/show-notes
  52. pypa/flit
  53. MicrosoftDocs/visualstudio-docs
  54. progit/progit2
  55. microsoft/vscode-docker
  56. microsoftarchive/msgraph-sdk-python
  57. microsoft/language-server-protocol
  58. asyncio-docs/asyncio-doc
  59. jaraco/skeleton
  60. gleam-lang/language-tour
  61. aio-libs/aiohttp
  62. microsoft/sql-server-samples
  63. github/gitignore
  64. vibora-io/vibora
  65. bloodyowl/rescript-test
  66. pyscript/pyscript
  67. python/pyperformance
  68. conda/ceps
  69. MeeseeksBox/
  70. ponylang/pony-tutorial
  71. kushaldas/pym
  72. conda/conda
  73. kushaldas/pep582
  74. rustwasm/book
  75. WebAssembly/wasi-sdk
  76. python/
  77. matplotlib/matplotlib
  78. riverscuomo/apps
  79. moby/mobywebsite
  80. buildout/buildout
  81. Django
  82. w3c/ServiceWorker
  83. pyvideo/old-pyvideo
  84. pyvideo/data
  85. Fyrd/caniuse
  86. Azure/azure-cosmos-python
  87. getsentry/responses
  88. scikit-learn/scikit-learn
  89. sphinx-doc/sphinx
  90. cometkim/rescript-vitest
  91. python/mypy
  92. Enderchief/gleam-tools
  93. livebook-dev/livebook
  94. vega/ipyvega
  95. victor-o-silva/python-links-from-link-header
  96. Azure/azure-cli
  97. google/grumpy
  98. ansible/ansible
  99. palantir/python-language-server
  100. WebAssembly/component-model
  101. hynek/build-and-inspect-python-package
  102. microsoft/PTVS
  103. google/yapf
  104. wntrblm/nox
  105. pypi/warehouse
  106. ericpalakovichcarr/pytest-pythonpath
  107. VSCodeVim/Vim
  108. pablogsal/cpython_leaderboard
  109. psf/fundable-packaging-improvements
  110. markshannon/faster-cpython
  111. 11ty/11ty-website
  112. stellar/awesome-stellar
  113. microsoft/vscode-tools-for-ai
  114. pytest-dev/pytest
  115. microsoft/python-sample-vscode-django-tutorial
  116. pypa/pipx
  117. diogonfs/pyinit
  118. jupyter/
  119. saschpe/mozilla-plugins
  120. vscode-restructuredtext/vscode-restructuredtext
  121. Homebrew/brew
  122. mozilla-services/konfig
  123. starship/starship
  124. bungcip/better-toml
  125. topazproject/topaz
  126. pyca/pyopenssl
  127. astral-sh/uv
  128. MagicStack/MagicPython
  129. gleam-lang/website
  130. stellar/new-docs
  131. stellar-deprecated/docs
  132. zwaldowski/match-label-action
  133. Azure/azure-functions-python-library
  134. python/pythontestdotnet
  135. microsoft/debugpy
  136. riscv-software-src/riscv-tests
  137. realpython/python-guide
  138. python-poetry/tomlkit
  139. executablebooks/
  140. riverscuomo/new-albums
  141. bagder/http2-explained
  142. gleam-lang/gleam
  143. conda/conda-build
  144. conda/conda-docs
  145. regebro/supporting-python-3
  146. microsoft/az-partner-center-cli
  147. cardoe/stderrlog-rs
  148. facebook/pyre-check
  149. casey/just
  150. oauthlib/oauthlib
  151. aurelia/documentation
  152. syl20bnr/spacemacs
  153. psf/webassembly
  154. golang/go
  155. score-spec/spec
  156. rust-lang/rustfmt
  157. lustre-labs/ui
  158. Lukasa/language-restructuredtext
  159. ebkalderon/tower-lsp
  160. devcontainers/features
  161. psf/black
  162. gitkraken/vscode-gitlens
  163. nayafia/nayafia
  164. pycascades/welcome-wagon-2018
  165. okken/pytest-srcpaths
  166. clearlydefined/website
  167. pypa/trove-classifiers
  168. jupyter/notebook
  169. Devid-Ba/Text-adventure
  170. microsoftgraph/python-sample-pagination
  171. GraphQLGuide/book
  172. rust-lang/log
  173. absurdia/absurdia-py
  174. luabud/hello-vscodespaces
  175. chhantyal/py3readiness
  176. spotify/pedalboard
  177. pypa/build
  178. briandealwis/ferret
  179. python/importlib_metadata
  180. extism/extism
  181. lorenzofox3/zora
  182. microsoft/vscode-extension-samples
  183. devcontainers/images
  184. actions-rs/install
  185. microsoft/vscode-pylint
  186. MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs
  187. jupyterlab/jupyterlab
  188. twisted/klein
  189. adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_CircuitPlayground
  190. kushaldas/asaman
  191. PyCQA/pyflakes
  192. PyPy
  193. defusedexpat
  194. expat
  195. Mercurial
  196. vim

Planets My Code has Visited

  • Mercury
  • Venus
  • Earth
  • Mars
  • Jupiter
  • Saturn
  • Uranus
  • Neptune


  1. gidgethub/gidgethub gidgethub/gidgethub Public

    An async GitHub API library for Python

    Python 361 55

  2. python-launcher python-launcher Public

    Python launcher for Unix

    Rust 590 25

  3. python/cpython python/cpython Public

    The Python programming language

    Python 60.2k 29.1k

  4. pypa/packaging pypa/packaging Public

    Core utilities for Python packages

    Python 589 237