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Probabilistic programming in Python built on Google Jax


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Piper: Probabilistic Programming for JAX

Overview | Installation | Tutorial

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Piper is a probabilistic programming library supporting variational and sampling inference. Piper is build on JAX, a numerical computing library that combines NumPy, automatic differentation and GPU/TPU support. For now, Piper supports forward sampling from custom models defined by the user as well as the Metropolis-Hastings method. In the future, support for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo as well as SVI is planned.


Piper is written in pure Python. You may simply install piper from pip by running

pip install --upgrade piper


Model Definition

You may define a model in Piper by specifying a generating function like this:

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import piper.distributions as dist
import piper.functional as func

def model():
    alpha0 = jnp.array(0.5)
    beta0 = jnp.array(0.5)
    keys = jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(123), 2)
    fairness = func.sample('latent_fairness', dist.beta(alpha0, beta0), keys[0])
    obs = func.sample('obs', dist.bernoulli(fairness), keys[1])

    return [fairness, obs]

This piece of code describes a model to check for the bias of a coin flip. The bias is modeled as a Beta distribution ("latent_fairness") while the observations ("obs_{i}") are modeled using a Bernoulli distribution. The probability of the coin flip being heads ("obs") is given by a sample from the Beta distribution.

After specifying the model, we can sample from it by calling

sample = model()

Computing KL-divergence

Piper allows you to compute the KL-divergence for defined distributions. This is embedded in the model API and can be used like this:

n1 = dist.normal('n1', jnp.array([0., 0.]), jnp.array([1., 1.]))
n2 = dist.normal('n2', jnp.array([1., 1.]), jnp.array([1., 1.]))
kl_normal_normal = func.compute_kl_div(n1, n2) # returns [0.5, 0.5]


Conditioning on Bayesian network variables is performed by enclosing the sampling procedure in a special Condition context:

def model():
    keys = jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(123), 2)

    n1 = func.sample('n1', dist.normal(jnp.array(0.), jnp.array(1.)), keys[0])
    n2 = func.sample('n2', dist.normal(n1, jnp.array(1.)), keys[1])

    return n2
conditioned_model = func.condition(model, {'n1': jnp.array(0.)})
sample = conditioned_model()

You may now sample from the conditional distribution by calling it as you would an unconditioned model:


If you condition on a variable further down the Bayesian network graph, you will effectively have to sample from the posterior distribution. Trying to do so in the naive way won't capture the posterior distribution:

def model():
    keys = jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(123), 2)

    n1 = func.sample('n1', dist.normal(jnp.array(0.), jnp.array(1.)), keys[0])
    n2 = func.sample('n2', dist.normal(n1, jnp.array(1.)), keys[1])
    return n1
conditioned_model = func.condition(model, {'n2': jnp.array(1.)})
sample = conditioned_model()  # will give incorrect result

In this case, you will need to rely on a sampling algorithm to obtain a sample from the posterior. At the moment, piper supports the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm:

# With the model defined as above
def proposal(key, **current_samples):
    proposal_n1 = func.sample('n1', dist.normal(current_samples['n1'], jnp.array(5.)), key)
    return {'n1': proposal_n1}

initial_samples = {'n1': jnp.array(0.)}
metropolis_hastings_model = func.metropolis_hastings(conditioned_model, 

samples = []
keys = jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(123), 500)
for i in range(500):
    sample = metropolis_hastings_model(keys[i])
    if i >= 100:  # ignore first 100 samples as burn-in

First we create a proposal model to propose samples for us. As the proposal proposes new samples like P(x'|x), we need to specify which node will be used as x for conditioning. This is done using the parameters of proposal. Each parameter in the current_samples dictionary is named and assigned a conditioning value.

The model returned by func.metropolis_hastings will automatically be sampled by the Metropolis-Hastings sampler. Note that using multiple chains will be automatically parallelized by piper.

Stochastic Variational Inference

Another way to sample from a complicated distribution is to perform Stochastic Variational Inference (SVI). In SVI, instead of running a Markov chain, we use an auxiliary distribution q with an arbitrary number of parameters and we try to adjust these parameters so that q approximates our original distribution p. In particular, we choose q so that we can easily sample from it.

Finding the correct parameters of q is done using gradient descent on our data. Let us demonstrate this using a very simple example. In this example, we will try to find the correct parameters to approximate a normal distribution with a normal distribution. Since these distributions are qualitatively equal, the final parameters after the optimization procedure should match the original ones very closely.

def model(key):
    n1 = func.sample('n1', dist.normal(jnp.array(10.), jnp.array(10.)),
    return n1

def q(params, key):
    n1 = func.sample('n1', dist.normal(params['n1_mean'],
                                       params['n1_std']), key)
    return {'n1': n1}

optimizer = jax_optim.adam(0.05)
svi = func.svi(model,
                   'n1_mean': jnp.array(0.),
                   'n1_std': jnp.array(1.)

keys = jax.random.split(jax.random.PRNGKey(123), 500)
for i in range(500):
    loss = svi(keys[i])
    if i % 100 == 0:
        print(f"Step {i}: {loss}")

inferred_n1_mean = svi.get_param('n1_mean')
inferred_n1_std = svi.get_param('n1_std')

In this example, we use the ADAM optimizer provided by JAX to infer the distributional parameters. Running this code, we note that inferred_n1_mean and inferred_n1_std are very close to 10, our true parameters.


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