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(This project is not associated with the Bitwarden project nor 8bit Solutions LLC.)

Elixir version of the Bitwarden server

Set up

First of all, fetch all dependencies in the usual way:

$ mix deps.get

And you have to create you own secrets using the example files:

$ cp config/dev.secret.example.exs config/dev.secret.exs
$ cp config/test.secret.example.exs config/test.secret.exs

These files include, among other things, the credentials to access your local development and test database. Default configuration should be enough in most cases.

Now you can create the database and run migrations:

$ mix ecto.create
$ mix ecto.migrate

Web Vault

If you want to use the web vault, you should the the script that downloads and builds it:

$ bash

The code downloaded is from official web vault repository, so they are open source contributions of 8bit Solutions LLC. and their collaborators, not being included or distributed directly with this project.

Any logo or trademark included in the web vault remains property of their legal owner and serving them from this projects means no attribution from Bitwardex.

Start the project

If you have followed the setup instructions, you can start the server running:

mix phx.server

and access http://localhost:4000.

Data storage

This projects stores the data ina PostgreSQL database in the same format as specified by Bitwarden official documentation, which means that neither the master password or the clear data is transmitted or stored on the server.

All encoding operations happen at the client, so if you lose the master password your data will be lost, as it happens in the official servers.