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Detecting methylation using signal-level features from Nanopore sequencing reads


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  • 2021.03.15: We developed deepsignal2. Compared to deepsignal, deepsignal2 has much smaller DNN model in size, and slightly better performance in 5mCpG detection of human.


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A deep-learning method for detecting DNA methylation state from Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads.

DeepSignal constructs a BiLSTM+Inception structure to detect DNA methylation state from Nanopore reads. It is built with Tensorflow and Python 3.



deepsignal is built on Python3. tombo is required to re-squiggle the raw signals from nanopore reads before running deepsignal.

1. Create an environment

We highly recommend using a virtual environment for the installation of deepsignal and its dependencies. A virtual environment can be created and (de)activated as follows by using conda:

# create
conda create -n deepsignalenv python=3.7
# activate
conda activate deepsignalenv
# deactivate
conda deactivate

The virtual environment can also be created by using virtualenv.

2. Install deepsignal

  • After creating and activating the environment, download and install deepsignal (latest version) from github:
git clone
cd deepsignal
python install

or install deepsignal using pip:

pip install deepsignal
  • tombo is required to be installed in the same environment:
# install using conda
conda install -c bioconda ont-tombo
# or install using pip
pip install ont-tombo
  • install tensorflow (version: 1.8.0<=tensorflow<=1.13.1) in the same environment:
# install using conda
conda install -c anaconda tensorflow==1.13.1
# or install using pip
pip install 'tensorflow==1.13.1'

If a GPU-machine is used, install the gpu version of tensorflow. The cpu version is not required:

# install using conda
conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1
# or install using pip
pip install 'tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1'

Trained models

The models we trained can be downloaded from google drive.

Currently we have trained the following models:

  • model.CpG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17.sn360.v0.1.7+.tar.gz: A CpG model trained using HX1 R9.4 1D reads (for deepsignal>=0.1.7).
  • model.CpG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17.sn360.tar.gz: A CpG model trained using HX1 R9.4 1D reads (for deepsignal<=0.1.6).
  • model.GATC.R9_2D.tem.puc19.bn17.sn360.tar.gz: A GATC model trained using pUC19 R9 2D template reads (for deepsignal<=0.1.6).

Example data

The example data can be downloaded from google drive.

  • ~~fast5s.sample.tar.gz: The data contain ~4000 yeast R9.4 1D reads each with called events (basecalled by Albacore), along with a genome reference.~~

Quick start

To call modifications, the raw fast5 files should be basecalled (Guppy or Albacore) and then be re-squiggled by tombo. At last, modifications of specified motifs can be called by deepsignal. The following are commands to call 5mC in CG contexts from the example data:

# 1. guppy basecall
guppy_basecaller -i -r -s --config dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac_prom.cfg
cat*.fastq >
# 2. tombo resquiggle
tombo preprocess annotate_raw_with_fastqs --fast5-basedir --fastq-filenames --sequencing-summary-filenames --basecall-group Basecall_1D_000 --basecall-subgroup BaseCalled_template --overwrite --processes 10
tombo resquiggle GCF_000146045.2_R64_genomic.fna --processes 10 --corrected-group RawGenomeCorrected_001 --basecall-group Basecall_1D_000 --overwrite
# 3. deepsignal call_mods
deepsignal call_mods --input_path --model_path model.CpG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17.sn360.v0.1.7+/bn_17.sn_360.epoch_9.ckpt --result_file --corrected_group RawGenomeCorrected_001 --nproc 10 --is_gpu no
python /path/to/deepsignal/scripts/ --input_path --result_file


1. Basecall and re-squiggle

Before run deepsignal, the raw reads should be basecalled (Guppy or Albacore) and then be processed by the re-squiggle module of tombo.


  • If the fast5 files are in multi-read FAST5 format, please use multi_to_single_fast5 command from the ont_fast5_api package to convert the fast5 files first (Ref to issue #173 in tombo).
multi_to_single_fast5 -i $multi_read_fast5_dir -s $single_read_fast5_dir -t 30 --recursive

For the example data:

# 1. basecall
guppy_basecaller -i -r -s --config dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac_prom.cfg
# 2. proprecess fast5 if basecall results are saved in fastq format
cat*.fastq >
tombo preprocess annotate_raw_with_fastqs --fast5-basedir --fastq-filenames --sequencing-summary-filenames --basecall-group Basecall_1D_000 --basecall-subgroup BaseCalled_template --overwrite --processes 10
# 3. resquiggle, cmd: tombo resquiggle $fast5_dir $reference_fa
tombo resquiggle GCF_000146045.2_R64_genomic.fna --processes 10 --corrected-group RawGenomeCorrected_001 --basecall-group Basecall_1D_000 --overwrite

2. extract features

Features of targeted sites can be extracted for training or testing.

For the example data (deepsignal extracts 17-mer-seq and 360-signal features of each CpG motif in reads by default. Note that the value of --corrected_group must be the same as that of --corrected-group in tombo.):

deepsignal extract --fast5_dir --write_path --corrected_group RawGenomeCorrected_001 --nproc 10

The extracted_features file is a tab-delimited text file in the following format:

  • chrom: the chromosome name
  • pos: 0-based position of the targeted base in the chromosome
  • strand: +/-, the aligned strand of the read to the reference
  • pos_in_strand: 0-based position of the targeted base in the aligned strand of the chromosome (legacy column, not necessary for downstream analysis)
  • readname: the read name
  • read_strand: t/c, template or complement
  • k_mer: the sequence around the targeted base
  • signal_means: signal means of each base in the kmer
  • signal_stds: signal stds of each base in the kmer
  • signal_lens: lens of each base in the kmer
  • cent_signals: the central signals of the kmer
  • methy_label: 0/1, the label of the targeted base, for training

3. call modifications

The extracted features can be used to call modifications as follows (If a GPU-machine is used, set --is_gpu to "yes".):

# the CpGs are called by using the CpG model of HX1 R9.4 1D
deepsignal call_mods --input_path --model_path model.CpG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17.sn360.v0.1.7+/bn_17.sn_360.epoch_9.ckpt --result_file --nproc 10 --is_gpu no

The modifications can also be called from the fast5 files directly:

# use CPU
deepsignal call_mods --input_path --model_path model.CpG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17.sn360.v0.1.7+/bn_17.sn_360.epoch_9.ckpt --result_file --corrected_group RawGenomeCorrected_001 --nproc 10 --is_gpu no
# or use GPU
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 deepsignal call_mods --input_path --model_path model.CpG.R9.4_1D.human_hx1.bn17.sn360.v0.1.7+/bn_17.sn_360.epoch_9.ckpt --result_file --corrected_group RawGenomeCorrected_001 --nproc 10 --is_gpu yes

The modification_call file is a tab-delimited text file in the following format:

  • chrom: the chromosome name
  • pos: 0-based position of the targeted base in the chromosome
  • strand: +/-, the aligned strand of the read to the reference
  • pos_in_strand: 0-based position of the targeted base in the aligned strand of the chromosome (legacy column, not necessary for downstream analysis)
  • readname: the read name
  • read_strand: t/c, template or complement
  • prob_0: [0, 1], the probability of the targeted base predicted as 0 (unmethylated)
  • prob_1: [0, 1], the probability of the targeted base predicted as 1 (methylated)
  • called_label: 0/1, unmethylated/methylated
  • k_mer: the kmer around the targeted base

A modification-frequency file can be generated by the script scripts/ with the modification_call file:

python /path/to/deepsignal/scripts/ --input_path --result_file --prob_cf 0

The modification_frequency file is a tab-delimited text file in the following format:

  • chrom: the chromosome name
  • pos: 0-based position of the targeted base in the chromosome
  • strand: +/-, the aligned strand of the read to the reference
  • pos_in_strand: 0-based position of the targeted base in the aligned strand of the chromosome (legacy column, not necessary for downstream analysis)
  • prob_0_sum: sum of the probabilities of the targeted base predicted as 0 (unmethylated)
  • prob_1_sum: sum of the probabilities of the targeted base predicted as 1 (methylated)
  • count_modified: number of reads in which the targeted base counted as modified
  • count_unmodified: number of reads in which the targeted base counted as unmodified
  • coverage: number of reads aligned to the targeted base
  • modification_frequency: modification frequency
  • k_mer: the kmer around the targeted base

4. train new models

A new model can be trained as follows:

# need two independent datasets for training and validating
# use deepsignal train -h/--help for more details
deepsignal train --train_file /path/to/train_data/file --valid_file /path/to/valid_data/file --model_dir /dir/to/save/the/new/model


Peng Ni, Neng Huang, Zhi Zhang, De-Peng Wang, Fan Liang, Yu Miao, Chuan-Le Xiao, Feng Luo, and Jianxin Wang, "DeepSignal: detecting DNA methylation state from Nanopore sequencing reads using deep-learning.", Bioinformatics 35, no. 22 (2019): 4586-4595. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz276


Copyright (C) 2018 Jianxin Wang, Feng Luo, Peng Ni, Neng Huang

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Jianxin Wang, Peng Ni, Neng Huang, School of Information Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China

Feng Luo, School of Computing, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA