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Open best farm Travis CI Coverage Status


How to start

$ ./gradlew clean build test jacocoTestReport run

> Configure project :
> Task :run
d780873e-f617-4770-8087-3ef617a770ff >> ProductImpl{productKind=EGG, points=1, price=3, stars=2, ticks=3, tick=0}
4a76e1df-f985-4faf-b6e1-dff9856faf05 >> ProductImpl{productKind=CORN, points=2, price=2, stars=1, ticks=7, tick=0}
0b61edc5-5d03-4be7-a1ed-c55d03dbe7de >> ProductImpl{productKind=EGG, points=1, price=3, stars=2, ticks=3, tick=0}
137320bc-419a-4e35-b320-bc419a6e352d >> ProductImpl{productKind=MILK, points=4, price=6, stars=5, ticks=5, tick=0}
f49a13f0-347b-4dd2-9a13-f0347bedd26e >> ProductImpl{productKind=CREAM, points=2, price=5, stars=3, ticks=1, tick=0}
02b02363-559e-455e-b023-63559e055e9c >> ProductImpl{productKind=BUTTER, points=2, price=5, stars=3, ticks=2, tick=0}
961ecbc3-1921-4352-9ecb-c319211352a7 >> ProductImpl{productKind=EGG, points=1, price=3, stars=2, ticks=3, tick=0}

 ============= Barn report ============= 

|     name |    count |    ticks |
|      EGG |        3 |        3 |
|     CORN |        1 |        7 |
|     MILK |        1 |        5 |
|    CREAM |        1 |        1 |
|   BUTTER |        1 |        2 |

 =============== FeedMill ============== 

------ START: - product: ProductImpl{productKind=EGG, points=1, price=3, stars=2, ticks=3, tick=0}

  -> feedMill.tick(): 1, product.getTick(): 1

  -> feedMill.tick(): 2, product.getTick(): 2

  -> feedMill.tick(): 3, product.getTick(): 3

------ STOP: feedMill.stop - product: ProductImpl{productKind=EGG, points=1, price=3, stars=2, ticks=3, tick=3}

------ START: - product: ProductImpl{productKind=CORN, points=2, price=2, stars=1, ticks=7, tick=0}

  -> feedMill.tick(): 1, product.getTick(): 1

  -> feedMill.tick(): 2, product.getTick(): 2

  -> feedMill.tick(): 3, product.getTick(): 3

  -> feedMill.tick(): 4, product.getTick(): 4

  -> feedMill.tick(): 5, product.getTick(): 5

  -> feedMill.tick(): 6, product.getTick(): 6

  -> feedMill.tick(): 7, product.getTick(): 7

------ STOP: feedMill.stop - product: ProductImpl{productKind=CORN, points=2, price=2, stars=1, ticks=7, tick=7}

------ START: - product: ProductImpl{productKind=MILK, points=4, price=6, stars=5, ticks=5, tick=0}

  -> feedMill.tick(): 1, product.getTick(): 1

  -> feedMill.tick(): 2, product.getTick(): 2

  -> feedMill.tick(): 3, product.getTick(): 3

  -> feedMill.tick(): 4, product.getTick(): 4

  -> feedMill.tick(): 5, product.getTick(): 5

------ STOP: feedMill.stop - product: ProductImpl{productKind=MILK, points=4, price=6, stars=5, ticks=5, tick=5}

------ START: - product: ProductImpl{productKind=CREAM, points=2, price=5, stars=3, ticks=1, tick=0}

  -> feedMill.tick(): 1, product.getTick(): 1

------ STOP: feedMill.stop - product: ProductImpl{productKind=CREAM, points=2, price=5, stars=3, ticks=1, tick=1}

------ START: - product: ProductImpl{productKind=BUTTER, points=2, price=5, stars=3, ticks=2, tick=0}

  -> feedMill.tick(): 1, product.getTick(): 1

  -> feedMill.tick(): 2, product.getTick(): 2

------ STOP: feedMill.stop - product: ProductImpl{productKind=BUTTER, points=2, price=5, stars=3, ticks=2, tick=2}
result: limit: 10, str: net.bieli.machine.FeedMill@a09ee92

10 actionable tasks: 10 executed

REST API for game server

Creating object:

  • POST /api/object
    • /{type}
    • /{name}

where {type}s:

  • barn
  • mill_machine
  • field
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"\
 -X POST 'http://localhost:8099/api/object'\
 -d '{"name":"barn1","type":"BARN"}'

Response HTTP 201: {"id": <UUID>}

Get all objects with ids and names:

  • GET /api/object
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"\
 -X GET 'http://localhost:8099/api/object'\

Response HTTP 200: [{"id": <UUID>, "name":"little barn"}, {"id": <UUID>, "name":"first mill machine"}]

Creating product:

  • POST /api/product
    • /{type}
    • /quantity

where {type}s:

  • EGG
  • MILK
  • CORN
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"\
 -X POST 'http://localhost:8099/api/product'\
 -d '{"type":"EGG", "quantity": 1}'

Response HTTP 201: {"id": <UUID>}

Adding product into dedicated machine for proccessing:

  • POST /api/production
    • /{product_id}
    • /{object_id}

where {type}s:

  • EGG
  • MILK
  • CORN
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"\
 -X POST 'http://localhost:8099/api/production'\
 -d '{"prodct_id":"<UUID>", "object_id":"<UUID>"}'
Response HTTP 201: {"proccess_id": <UUID>}

Getting production proccess status:

  • GET /api/production/proccess/status/{proccess_id}
    • {proccess_id} - result from POST /api/production
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"\
 -X GET 'http://localhost:8099/api/production/proccess/status/<UUID>'\

Response HTTP 200: {"prodct_id":"<UUID>", "tick":3, "ticks": 5}

Getting production proccess status by product:

  • GET /api/production/product/{product_id}/status
    • {{product_id}} - product id
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"\
 -X GET 'http://localhost:8099/api/production/product/<UUID>/status'\

Response HTTP 200: {"prodct_id":"<UUID>", "tick":2, "ticks": 8}


  • create repository with first conceptual version
  • creating state machine prototype
  • adding conccurent usage example and unit tests
  • [?] creating document/concept with REST API for "farm like" games
  • creating Swagger API doc (http://localhost:8099/v2/api-docs)
  • REST API prototype (with storage in RAM) with integration tests
  • try to self-consume REST API service in simple game with GUI / UI
  • implementing persistent storage (i.e. RIAK, Couchbase, Redis, MySQL/MariaDB, MongoDB, ...)
  • service as backend for text mode game play
  • testing game with this backend by other developers
  • find best UI game frameworka for implementing multiplatform game
  • create background and graphics/prints fot game UI
  • implementing game UI and connecting with this backend
  • first ALPHA game release
  • serving game on www/domain


Farm like engine for agriculture simulations







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