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Developing BAR Lua with the ZeroBrane Studio IDE

Beherith edited this page Oct 13, 2022 · 2 revisions

So you have decided to check out the repository, to have a look at what is present inside of it.

You may use any other IDE (dont use notepad++, notepad++ is not an IDE) you wish, like Visual Studio Code, and install a Lua Language Server extension for it, but that is not covered here.

Installation steps:

Download and install Zerobrane Studio, this will be referred to as ZB.


Clone the BAR repository (this one) as per the instructions in its

Open BAR/data/games/BAR.sdd/modinfo.lua with ZB.

Set the root of the ZB project to be the modinfo.lua file like so:


Validate the lua syntax of any changes you make by clicking on the Execute button [F6]

Set menu item Project/Lua Interpreter to Lua

Set up autocompletion of Spring API and unitDef's with: