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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 7 revisions

** FAL XML configuration system PHP5 ONLY!!!! **

(Unstable until tested by developer)

Installation: place directories and files in the directory structure indicated within the download.

Slightly edited directory structure to the FAL config files (they have their own directory).

Super Admins are only capable of accessing the 'configuration' backend (once logged in as Super Admin you should see the menu option).

This is a PHP5 ONLY addon - I used SimpleXML and the PHP5 DOM functions (which are not backwards compatible).

There is no harm in having this installed if you are running anything below PHP5 - as the system tests for the PHP version, and will default to the original config file setup that came with your raw install. The configuration backend menu option will also redirect if there is not a positive match.

This is basic thus far - I may do a similar XML file for the language file....

Issues and bug reports should be noted here: FAL discussion thread.


---- Iksander

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