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Contact form instead of email (avoiding spam)

Ferdinando M. Ametrano edited this page Oct 7, 2018 · 4 revisions

You might keep your email address private to avoid spam while providing a contact form to get in touch with you.

Since Jekyll serves static pages, an external service is required for the contact form.

  1. It is easy to setup a Google form at ensure your form is automatically collecting at least email address and message test.
  2. Then among the footer-links in _config.yml insert:
    googleform: d/101nW2MzLYJDN69ELY6fdJCys-dNOTEKKUsDni5wW9Aw/ # the part after
  3. In svg-icons.html insert:
    {% if site.footer-links.googleform %}<a href="{{ site.footer-links.googleform }}"><i class="svg-icon email"></i></a>{% endif %}

As you can notice, in the code snippet above the already provided svg-email icon is used: email via a contact form does not really deserve a different icon.

Other services might be available, but the simplicity of Google form is hard to beat.

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