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Set Careflow as Live

GitHub Super-Linter CI Check dist/ CodeQL Coverage


This github action allows you to publish your care flow and allow the care flow to run tests before publishing it live.


Click publish only. When you publish, your repository with the care flow code can run a series of tests on push to main

  - name: Checkout
    id: checkout
    uses: actions/checkout@v4

  # Your normal CI pipeline...
  - name: Test
    id: npm-test
    run: npm run test

  # Runs on successful tests ✅
  - name: Set published release as live
    id: set-live
    uses: awell-health/set-careflow-live@v1
      api_key: { { secrets.YOUR_API_KEY } }
      environment: production-us


Please submit issues or comments here, or, if you have a slack channel with us, feel free to get in touch!


Run npm run all to run the suite of tests, and make sure npm run publish is run (part of npm run all) so the build is included in the release. The build pipeline was provided by github, and the release script (to tag and push a new release) is also provided by github, in the ./scripts directory.