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GitHub First Party Actions Cache

This repository contains the code and scripts responsible for caching actions locally on a GitHub Actions Runner.

This allows you to speedup actions execution without the cost of downloading actions during the course of your job during the Setup Job step. This repository only caches the most popular first party actions, to save disk space.

A configuration file exists for each repository (see config/actions/). The refs are pinned to specific commit SHAs.

Which refs are included?

By default only main and version tags are included. For example: v1 or v2.0.1

Preview versions are intentionally excluded. For example: v2-beta

Optional args may be supplied to control which refs are included. See script/ --help for more info.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT open source license. Please refer to MIT for the full terms.




See the contribution guide. Currently we are not taking requests for non first party actions to be added at this time.