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πŸ—½ Like yarn outdated/upgrade, but for pip. Upgrade all your pip packages and automate your Python Dependency Management.


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The missing command for pip

Table of Contents


  • Updates system packages and local packages.
  • Discovers packages present within multiple Python Environments.
  • Updates packages mentioned within a requirements.txt file (Also pins up-to-date versions if mentioned).
  • Smart requirements.txt detector.
  • Pipfile support.
  • Detects semantic version to avoid updates that break changes. Also ensures to avoid child dependencies that break changes.
  • View Dependency Graph.
  • Parallel updates (blazingly fast).
  • Python 2.7+ and Python 3.4+ compatible. Also pip 9+, pip 10+, pip 18+ and pip 19.0.1+ compatible.
  • Automate your Dependencies by installing pipupgrade in your CI workflow.
  • Zero Dependencies!

Quick Start

$ pip install pipupgrade

Check out installation for more details.


Basic Usage

That's basically it! Run the help for more details...

$ pipupgrade --help
usage: pipupgrade [--pip-path PIP_PATH] [-y] [-c]
                  [--upgrade-type {major,minor,patch} [{major,minor,patch} ...]]
                  [-l] [-f {table,tree,json,yaml}] [-a] [--pip] [-s]
                  [-r REQUIREMENTS] [--pipfile PIPFILE] [-i] [-p PROJECT]
                  [--git-username GIT_USERNAME] [--git-email GIT_EMAIL]
                  [--pull-request] [--github-access-token GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN]
                  [--github-reponame GITHUB_REPONAME]
                  [--github-username GITHUB_USERNAME]
                  [--target-branch TARGET_BRANCH] [-j JOBS] [-u]
                  [--no-included-requirements] [--no-cache] [-o OUTPUT]
                  [--ignore-error] [--force] [--no-color] [-V] [-v] [-h]
                  [packages [packages ...]]

pipupgrade (v VERSION)


positional arguments:
  packages              Packages to Upgrade. (default: None)

optional arguments:
  --ignore IGNORE       Ignore packages to upgrade. (default: None)
  --pip-path PIP_PATH   Path to pip executable to be used. (default: None)
  -y, --yes             Confirm for all dialogs. (default: 0)
  -c, --check           Perform a dry-run, avoid updating packages. (default:
  --upgrade-type {major,minor,patch} [{major,minor,patch} ...]
                        Upgrade Type (default: ['minor', 'patch'])
  -l, --latest          Update all packages to latest. (default: 0)
  -f {table,tree,json,yaml}, --format {table,tree,json,yaml}
                        Display packages format. (default: table)
  -a, --all             List all packages. (default: 0)
  --pip                 Update pip. (default: 0)
  -s, --self            Update pipupgrade. (default: False)
                        Path(s) to requirements.txt file. (default: None)
  --pipfile PIPFILE     Path(s) to Pipfile (default: None)
  -i, --interactive     Interactive Mode. (default: 0)
  -p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
                        Path(s) to Project (default: None)
  --git-username GIT_USERNAME
                        Git Username (default: None)
  --git-email GIT_EMAIL
                        Git Email (default: None)
  --pull-request        Perform a Pull Request. (default: False)
  --github-access-token GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN
                        GitHub Access Token (default: None)
  --github-reponame GITHUB_REPONAME
                        Target GitHub Repository Name (default: None)
  --github-username GITHUB_USERNAME
                        Target GitHub Username (default: None)
  --target-branch TARGET_BRANCH
                        Target Branch (default: master)
  -j JOBS, --jobs JOBS  Number of Jobs to be used. (default: 4)
  -u, --user            Install to the Python user install directory for
                        environment variables and user configuration.
                        (default: 0)
                        Avoid updating included requirements. (default: 0)
  --no-cache            Avoid fetching latest updates from PyPI server.
                        (default: 0)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Print Output to File. (default: None)
  --ignore-error        Ignore Error in case of upgrade failure. (default: 0)
  --force               Force search for files within a project. (default: 0)
  --no-color            Avoid colored output. (default: 0)
  -V, --verbose         Display verbose output. (default: False)
  -v, --version         Show pipupgrade's version number and exit.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.


Using pipupgrade's Docker Image to generate a Pull Request can be done as follows:

$ docker run \
    --rm \
    -it \
    -v $(pwd):/path/to/project \
      achillesrasquinha/pipupgrade \
        --project /path/to/project \
        --pull-request \
        --force \
        --yes \

Similar Packages

pipupgrade attempts to provide an all-in-one solution as compared to the following packages:

Known Issues


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