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TransferLab Training: Verifying Systems in the Face of Uncertainty

Welcome to the TransferLab training: Probabilistic Verifying Systems in the Face of Uncertainty. The content was created and presented by two major researchers in the field, Prof. Joost-Pieter Katoen and Assoc. Prof. Sebastian Junges. The course contains a mix of lectures and hands-on exercises covering the fundamentals of probabilistic model checking as well as practical applications using the model checker Storm.

Course video

The event took place on 1st December 2023. The recorded Lecture is available on our TranferLab website

Getting started

If you want to execute the notebooks, we recommend to use docker. You can eigther download a pre-build image from ghcr or build the image locally.

  1. Option a) Pull the pre-build image from

    docker pull

    Option b) Build the image within your local clone of the repository with

    docker build -t tfl-training-probabilistic-model-checking .
  2. You can then start the container e.g., with

    docker run -it -p 8888:8888 tfl-training-probabilistic-model-checking jupyter notebook
  3. Run the first notebook welcome_run_me_first.ipynb within jupyter. This will download the data for the workshop and finilize the setup.

Note that there is some non-trivial logic in the entrypoint that may collide with mounting volumes to paths directly inside /home/jovyan/tfl-training-probabilistic-model-checking. If you want to do that, the easiest way is to override the entrypoint or to mount somewhere else and create a symbolic link. For details on that see the Dockerfile and


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