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1. Resquencing data analysis and call SNPs

1.1 reads mapping

bwa index Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta 
bwa mem -t 40 -M  -R "@RG\tID:01\tLB:01\tPL:Illumina\tPU:01\tSM:01" reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta Cole_R428-02-R01_good_1.fq Cole_R428-02-R01_good_2.fq > 3sam/Cole_R428-02-R01_good.sam
bwa mem -t 40 -M  -R "@RG\tID:02\tLB:02\tPL:Illumina\tPU:02\tSM:02" reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta Cole_R428-02-R02_good_1.fq Cole_R428-02-R02_good_2.fq > 3sam/Cole_R428-02-R02_good.sam

1.2 Sam to bam

cd ../3sam
for m in $(ls *.sam); do samtools view  -Sb $m > ../4bam/${m%.sam}.bam;done 

1.3 Keep aligned reads

for m in $(ls *.bam); do samtools view -bF 4 $m >../5aligned_bam/$m;done 

1.4 Sort bam

for m in $(ls *.bam); do java -jar ~/soft/picard.jar  SortSam I= $m O=../6sorted_bam/$m SORT_ORDER=coordinate ;done

1.5 Mark duplications

for m in $(ls *.bam); do java -jar ~/soft/picard.jar  MarkDuplicates REMOVE_DUPLICATES=false MAX_FILE_HANDLES_FOR_READ_ENDS_MAP=8000 INPUT=$m OUTPUT= ../7dup_marked_bam/$m METRICS_FILE=../7dup_marked_bam/bam.metrics ; done

1.6 Make bam index

for m in $(ls *.bam); do samtools index $m;done

1.7 Varients calling

gatk  HaplotypeCaller -R Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta -I ../7dup_marked_bam/Cole_R428-02-R01_good.bam -I ../7dup_marked_bam/Cole_R428-02-R02_good.bam -O ../8vcf/B.rapa.vcf

1.8 Selecet snp type variations

gatk  SelectVariants -R ../reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta -variant B.rapa.vcf -O ../9snp/1SNP.vcf -select-type SNP 

1.9. Filter SNPs called from GATK pipline to keep the homozygou SNPs in each parental genome but different between two parental genomes.(Assumed to be diploid).


1.10. Modified the SNP position in the vcf (important!)


2. RNA-Seq data analysis and call SNPs

2.1 Reads mapping to reference genome using Hisat2 or other mapping tools.

for m in $(ls *_1.fq.gz); do if [ ! -f ../2Hisat_result/${m%_good_1.fq.gz}.sam ]; then echo $m; hisat2 -p 40 -x  ../../rapa_data/reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0 -1 $m -2 ${m%1.fq.gz}2.fq.gz --no-mixed  --no-discordant  -S ../2Hisat_result/${m%_good_1.fq.gz}.sam; fi; done

2.2 Extract uniqe mapping reads

for m in $(ls *.sam); do echo $m; grep 'NH:i:1' $m > ../3uniq_mapping/${m::-4}.uniq.sam;done

2.3 Sam to bam and add header to bam

for m in $(ls *.sam); do echo $m; samtools view -S -b $m -T ../../rapa_data/reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta > ../4bam/${m%.uniq.sam}.bam;done

2.4 Sort bam files

for m in $(ls *.bam); do samtools sort $m -o ../5sorted_bam/${m%.bam}.sorted.bam -O bam -@ 40 ;done

2.5 Merge all the RNA-Seq bam files

samtools merge ../all.bam *.bam -@ 40

2.6 Call SNPs with mplieup and bcftools

samtools mpileup -v -u -I 6merge_bam/all.bam -o 7mpileup_out/1RNA_merge.vcf --reference ../rapa_data/reference_genome/Brapa_sequence_v3.0.fasta
bcftools call -mv 1RNA_merge.vcf  -o 2calls.bcf --threads 40

2.7 Filter SNPs by sequence reads depth (threshold: 10)

awk 'm=split($8,u,";"){y=split(u[1],x,"=")}{if(x[2]>=10) print $0}' 2calls.bcf  >3RNA_merge.vcf  

3.Obtain the common SNPs between RNA-Seq SNPs and resequenced SNPs, and keep only those SNPs within reference gene sets (from GFF file).

Rscript obtining_common_snp.R

4. Count the allelic reads from RNA-Seq alignment file (bam formatted) at the SNPs sites derived from the previous step.

for m in $(ls ../5sorted_bam/*.bam);do echo $m; python -b $m -s 4target.snp.txt --mq 0 --bq 0;done

usage: [-h] -b BAM_FILE -s SNP_FILE [-m MAP_QUAL]
                [--bq BASE_QUAL]

Split bam file and count allelic reads number based on known SNP sites

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BAM_FILE           Input bam file (required)
  -s SNP_FILE           Input SNP file (a vcf formatted file or at least the first 5 columns of vcf file is required)
  -m MAP_QUAL, --mq MAP_QUAL
                    Set a mapping quality threshold (default:20)
  --bq BASE_QUAL        Set a base quality threshold (default:20)

5. Merge mutiple files

paste ../5sorted_bam/*.txt >  5all.allel.counts.txt
awk '{for(i=1;i<=6;i++)printf("%s\t",$i);for(i=7;i<=NF;i+=6)printf("%s\t",$(i+4)"\t"$(i+5));print ""}' all.allel.counts.txt > 2all_allele_counts

6. Identification of imprinted genes

R script 7imprinted.R


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