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Configuration Files

These are my system configuration files.

Included Configs

  • i3
  • Neovim
  • Polybar
  • Tmux
  • ZSH


You will need following fonts for the configs to work properly

  • Fira Code Medium
  • RobotoMono Nerd Font Mono
  • Hurmit Font
  • Font Awesome 5 Free
  • Font Awesome 5 Brands
  • Weather Icons


Clone repo

$ git clone

Symlink individual files to their respective destination

  • i3
$ cd dotFiles
$ stow i3
  • Neovim
$ cd dotFiles
$ stow nvim
  • Polybar
$ ln -s $HOME/dotFiles/polybar $HOME/.config
  • Tmux
$ ln -s $HOME/dotFiles/tmux.conf $HOME/.tmux.conf
  • ZSH
$ ln -s $HOME/dotFiles/zshrc $HOME/.zshrc

Note: i3scripts files are provided by justbuchanan