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ONVIF Uplink Camera Plugin for VXG Cloud

Learn more about Cloud Video Surveillance

The ONVIF Uplink Camera Plugin is a simple C++ reference code for integration of IP cameras with VXG Cloud.

This library requires requires libwebsockets version 4.0 (4.0.20-2) as a minimum.

A complete documentation can be found in the /doc-${version}.pdf file.

How to build locally for x86

Setup build system

This projects requires Meson version >= 0.56.0

sudo apt-get update

Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip git ninja-build curl tzdata python3-tz

Install Meson

pip3 install git+

Add Meson to path

echo ’export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH’ » $HOME/.bashrc

Check currently installed meson version

meson -v

Setup the build directory

meson setup --prefix=path/to/install --strip -Dbuildtype=debug builddir/
--prefix=path specifies the installation path
--strip indicates that final binaries should be stripped
-Dbuildtype= specifies the debug/release build type, please check the Meson docs about full list of the build types


meson compile -C builddir


meson install -C builddir

As a result of the install step you should have the application and library compiled and installed into the prefix directory you specified during the setup step.


ninja -C builddir clean

or you can just delete the builddir, you will need to setup it again in this case.

rm -rf builddir

Cross compilation

if toolchain is in /opt/:

export PATH=/opt/toolchain-path/bin:$PATH
meson setup --cross-file cross/cross-file.txt builddir-cross
meson compile -C builddir-cross


Create camera on Cloud VMS or using Cloud VMS API. Adding-uplink-camera-preview Once camera created, an ACCESS TOKEN should be associated and created along with camera.

How to execute application

Starting application using access token

./vxg-proxy-client --token $ACCESS_TOKEN -f "$HTTP_FORWARD_NAME":http:$IP:80 -f "$RTSP_FORWARD_NAME":tcp:$IP:554

where $ACCESS_TOKEN is your camera's access token,
$HTTP_FORWARD_NAME is the name you want for your HTTP proxy. Ex: camera-1-http,
$RTSP_FORWARD_NAME is the name you want for your RTSP proxy. Ex: camera-1-rtsp,
$IP is the local IP of the device you want to proxy. Ex:
Port numbers can be modified as well depending on how device is configured.

Starting application using device serial number and MAC Address

Configure camera

Add camera to VMS Platform using the provisioning server option and enter the device's Serial Number and MAC Address where specified.

Start application

VXG_API_PASSWORD=$DEVICE_MAC ./vxg-proxy-client --serial $DEVICE_SERIAL -f "$HTTP_FORWARD_NAME":http:$IP:80 -f "$RTSP_FORWARD_NAME":tcp:$IP:554

where $DEVICE_MAC is the device's MAC Address
$DEVICE_SERIAL is the device's serial number
Ideally the application will retireve the device info and adding the VXG_API_PASSWORD and --serial options won't be neccessary.

How to check if application is working with webplayer

Open VXG WebPlayer SDK and enter the camera's access token in the access token field.


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