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Michael Beyeler edited this page Mar 5, 2017 · 1 revision

The CARLsim release is identified with a version in MAJOR_NUM.MINOR_NUM.TINY_NUM.BUILD_ID format. The version numbers are incremented as follows:

  • MAJOR_NUM: Non-compatible API changes were made. This includes changes in the signature of existing APIs or removal of APIs. Users will have to make appropriate changes in their code to continue using the software. The changes may include MINOR_NUM and/or TINY_NUM type of changes.
  • MINOR_NUM: Backwards-compatible functional additions were made. The changes include addition of new features and/or new APIs. The changes may include TINY_NUM type of changes.
  • TINY_NUM: Backwards-compatible bug fixes were made (no functional additions).
  • BUILD_ID: Build identification This can contain various metadata identifying the build in the release process (e.g. a build number)