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JS2SHACL - JSON Schema to SHACL conversor

JS2Shacl is a document conversor, makes conversions from JSON Schema to SHACL Schema (Turtle format).


JS2Schacl requires Node.js to run. Install the dependencies fs and perf_hooks. For the web app intall express.


# Convert the especified file in /inputSchemas
# example: $ node app.js CaseStudy-GlobalSchema.json
$ node app.js <filename in /inputSchemas>


# Convert all files in /inputSchemas
$ node app.js -a

or if you want the tool running on a website on your computer (localhost:8080)

# Start the server in localhost:8080
$ node app.js


All analyzed files will be saved in the /outputSchemas folder, and a conversion log in the /outputLog folder.