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ASP.NET Core Web API Demo with Docker, Nancy and Kestrel.

How to run project?

First head into the DotNetCore.WebApi.Docker.Demo folder and then build a release version with the following commands.

cd DotNetCore.WebApi.Docker.Demo
dotnet build --configuration Release

After that, head back in the root of the project, then start running with docker (your terminal must be in same directory that the DockerFile):

cd ..
docker build -t dotnetapidemo . --no-cache
docker run -t -p 1234:5000 dotnetapidemo

First line builds app and sets image name to dotnetapidemo (you can change). The next line run app in a container exposing your port 5000 in port 1234 (you can change too).

To check if app is running, access http://localhost:1234/test. You should see something like:

{"message":"This is a simple test"}

Build Status

Build status


Thiago Barradas


No releases published


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