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Contrail developer scripts


This repository contains scripts which allow to run Zuul's CI pipeline on developer's machine. Contrail contributors can use it to build and test their code locally. It can be used to debug problems found in Zuulv3 CI system (eg. failing unit tests).

1. Setup build VM

With vagrant or your own VM

1.1 With vagrant [mac or a physical server]

  • Install vagrant and Virtualbox as needed for mac
  • Install vagrant on physical server
git clone
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

1.2 Bring your own Centos VM

Login to your Centos VM
git clone
cd contrail-dev-env
make presetup

2. Checkout source code

To checkout Contrail source code, on dev VM run following target:

$ cd ~/contrail-dev-env	
$ make checkout_vnc

This will checkout current master branch and will put it in HOME directory. Path for source checkout can be modified in Makefile using sandbox_path variable. To see what steps are executed during checkout phase check script under contrail-dev-env/scripts/.

If you want to build packages and containers with your code patches you have to apply those by yourself on top of Contrail repo sandbox.

3. Build RPM packages

This step requires make checkout_vnc to be run first or manually setup sandbox directory with Contrail code.

To build RPMs run make rpm on your virtual machine:

$ cd ~/contrail-dev-env
$ make rpm

Logs for build process will be available during and after execution of build tasks in $HOME/contrail-build-logs/contrail-logs. Each build task has separate log file.

After successful build RPM artifacts will be hosted on HTTP server inside container run on dev VM. Those can be accessed using following URL:

$ lynx

4. Build containers

If you want to build containers run make containers target. This target will run intermediate targets to: prepare VM, build RPM packages and finally build containers. You can run with:

$ cd ~/contrail-dev-env
$ make containers

In current version docker build logs will be deleted after successful run of build proccess. In case of failure build logs can be access in $HOME/contrail-container-builder/containers.

After successfull build containers will be uploaded to private registry run on dev VM. Containers can be accessed on following registry:

$ curl -s | python -m json.tool

5. Full CI pipeline

To start full pipeline on dev VM run:

$ cd ~/contrail-dev-env
$ make all

See previous section in this instruction or the Makefile for intermediate targets that can be executed if you don't want to run the full pipeline.

Configuration is made through the dev_config.yaml file, it is passed to most of the ansible playbooks as a variable file. The configuration options are documented in comments.

Known issues

Non-vagrant deployment

  • docker selinux deployment error You can get it conflicted with container-selinux.noarch package if it's installed in your CentOS. Remove it with yum.

  • sudo root password If you're not root you'll have to add ansible_become_pass: mypass into dev_config.yaml file


  • increase visibility of building proccess by streaming logs using Ansible custom shell module


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  • Makefile 60.8%
  • Shell 39.2%