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SpaRcle Engine

Project Status: Active – The project is under active delopment!. CodeFactor. GitHub Contributors. Issues. Commit Activity. Discord server.

Build statistics.

SpaRcle Engine is an ongoing game engine developed in C++. It aims to establish a strong base for game creation and is currently in the early stages of development, emphasizing the creation of a versatile and efficient architecture.


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Supported compilers

  • MSVC (Stable)
  • MinGW
  • Cygwin
  • Clang
  • GCC

Supported platforms

  • Windows 10
  • Linux X11 (in development)
  • Linux Wayland
  • Android


  • master - branch for releases
  • dev - active development branch
  • features/* - branches for new features
  • tmp/* - temporary branches for dangerous experiments
  • release/* - branches for release candidates




  • 0.1. Install Clion 2020.1 or newer / Visual Studio 2019 or newer
  • 0.2. Install Vulkan SDK/Runtime or newer
  • 0.3. Install CMake 3.16.0 or newer
  • 0.4. Install MS Build Tools for Visual Studio 16.11.29 or newer (if you are using CLion)
  1. Clone repository via the command "git clone"
  2. Switch to the "dev" (or another one) branch via the command "git checkout branch_name"
  3. Run command "git submodule update --init --recursive" in repository folder
4. Working with CMake (if you're using Visual Studio):
- 4.1 Open CMake GUI

- 4.2 Choose the path to the SREngine folder (where the source code is located).

- 4.3 Choose the path where to build the binaries (SREngine/Build).
- 4.4 Press "Configure" and choose your VS version.

- 4.5 Press "Generate"

- 4.6 Open Visual Studio solution

- 4.7 Set as startap project SREngine 

- 4.8 Run build 
5. Working with CLion:
- 5.1 Press Ctrl + Alt + S to open Settings window

- 5.2. Select "Build, Execution, Deployment" on the left

- 5.3. Select "Toolchains"

- 5.4. Add (Alt + Insert) Visual Studio compiler

- 5.5. Select amd64 in "Architecture:"

- 5.6. Repeat 5.2

- 5.7. Select "CMake"

- 5.8. Pass "-j*" argument as "Build options", while * is a number of your logical processors minus 2

- 5.9. In Project window right-click SREngine folder and click "Reload CMake Project"

- 5.10. Click "Run 'SREngine'" (Shift + F10)

Used libraries


  • SpaRcle Shader Language (SRSL)
  • SpaRcle Logical Machine (SRLM) aka Blueprints
  • Chunk system
  • Render passes
  • Custom framebuffers
  • C++ scripting system
  • Animations
  • SSAO
  • Cascaded shadow mapping
  • Ray-marching
  • Physics
  • Font renderer
  • Vulkan pipeline
  • Multi-cameras renderer
  • Geometry loader
  • Texture loader


Why SpaRcle Engine?
It's a lightweight and simple Unity-like game engine that maximizes cross-platform 
compatibility and utilizes fast and efficient C++ for scripting. 

The engine offers the flexibility to customize the graphics pipeline 
according to specific requirements.

The ability to create endless procedurally generated worlds is provided 
wtih a system that divides the world into regions and chunks.


Star History 📈

Star History Chart