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Releases: QuestPDF/QuestPDF


11 Jun 09:17
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New Features:

  • Paragraph Formatting: Added support for paragraph spacing and first-line indentation.
  • SVG Output: Introduced support for SVG output format.
  • Exception Messaging: Improved exception messages for layout issues, providing detailed information and suspected locations.


  • Content Drawing: Enhanced default content drawing behavior, so content does not unexpectedly repeat in certain cases.
  • Library Dependencies: Disabled visibility of native dependencies and the Lato font for cleaner output.
  • Compatibility Messaging: Enhanced compatibility exception messages for supported but potentially outdated environments.
  • Image Loading: Added fallback path for image loading to enhance development experience on ASP.NET.
  • Color Conversion: Added implicit conversion from hex numbers to color.
  • Inline Element: Simplified implementation and improved performance.
  • Column Element: Simplified implementation and improved performance.

Bug Fixes:

  • Column Element: Resolved instability issues in nested layouts with spacing and zero-sized elements.
  • JPEG Quality: Disabled JPEG image downsampling/downscaling to maintain the highest quality levels.
  • Image Compression: Disabled additional image compression performed by Skia.
  • Fixed Text.LineHeight calculation.


25 May 13:24
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  • Updated Skia to M126 release,
  • Enhancement: SVG content supports embedded PNG/JPEG images,
  • Enhancement: SVG content supports loading external images from application local directory.


23 May 20:24
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  • Fixed: the thickness of text decorations was significantly higher than defined by the font settings.


20 May 14:24
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  • Introduced an explicit CallingConvention.Cdecl to address and fix the issue of stack imbalance on Windows platforms.


14 May 21:05
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  • Introduced support for the win-x86 platform.
  • Improved SVG image support for less common unit types.
  • Enhanced automated testing environment.


12 May 06:32
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  • Enhancement: text uses half-leading by default.
  • Fixed: default text decoration color should match font color.
  • Fixed: the Column element may not render successfully when it has non-zero spacing, contains a child with zero height, and is repeated.


06 May 07:33
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  • Improved font rendering by setting half-leading when line-height is overridden.
  • Enhanced exception messages for unsupported x86 platforms.


02 May 14:01
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  • Improved the default scaling behavior of Image and SvgImage elements when they are direct descendants of the Constrained element (Width, Height, MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight).
  • Enhanced handling of texts containing the carriage return character '\r' within the custom page format setting.
  • Fixed: enhanced the handling of the TextStyle.LineHeight modifier for better consistency with industry-standard software, as well as adjusted the default value.
  • Fixed: when the UseEnvironmentFonts setting is enabled, the Lato font was not being properly registered. This issue could lead to runtime exceptions in specific minimal environments.
  • Fixed: Addressed a potential null reference exception in the SvgImage object’s finalizer that could lead to application crashes when handling invalid SVG content.


25 Apr 19:34
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  • Introduced support for the linux-musl-x64 platform.
  • Adjusted how the Lato font is embedded in the NuGet package to prevent issues with the files not being provided on the platform-specific runtimes.
  • Improved compatibility with texts that contain the carriage return character '\r'.
  • Enhanced exception messages when the FontManager.RegisterFont method fails due to an invalid font file.
  • Enhanced the Canvas element deprecation message by adding a link to the documentation.
  • Fixed: the SVG image is not always scaled properly, especially when uses relative units internally (percentage, cm, "mm", etc.).
  • Fixed a sporadic AccessViolationException that occurred when UseEnvironmentFonts was set to false and documents were generated in parallel.
  • Fixed an issue where dynamic SVG images were not utilizing the available space correctly. This resulted in images with a zero size.


22 Apr 08:08
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  • Enhanced discoverability of text alignment options (AlignLeft, AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignStart, AlignEnd and Justify) when using the shorthand Text method (common use case).
  • To enhance compatibility with existing codebases, we've removed the breaking change associated with the deprecation of the TextStyle.Fallback method. Although this method remains obsolete, we've reintroduced it with a compatibility layer to prevent disruptions.
  • Enhanced compatibility with dotnet standard projects.
  • Fix: on the Windows platform, the "Could not find an appropriate font fallback for the following glyphs: $U-000D" exception is thrown when the "QuestPDF.Settings.CheckIfAllTextGlyphsAreAvailable" is set true, and the "TextDescriptor.Line" method is used (that inserts the '\r' character).
  • Fix: resolved an issue where the positioning of hyperlinks was incorrect when text contained injected block items.