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A Vue plugin that enhances localStorage/sessionStorage (supports vue2 and vue3). It allows two-way binding of storage data, multi-page data binding, storage event listener, and rich api (async/sync)


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A Vue plugin that enhances localStorage/sessionStorage (supports vue2, vue3).

It allows two-way binding of storage data, multi-page data binding, storage event listener, and rich api (async/sync).

Based on: the-storages


  • Vue plugins

  • Support Vue2, vue3, and Vue-Cli project

  • Multi-page data binding and sync.

  • Provide storage change event listeners.

  • Various calling methods.

  • Automatic JSON parsing.

  • Mainly written using es6 and proxy.

Simple Demos:

You can open multiple pages at the same time and experience data binding between multiple pages



    1. install
npm i vue-the-storages
    1. use

main.js (registered)

import vueTheStorages from 'vue-the-storages'

// vue2

// vue3 (just use)

Default global names:

$localData (localStorage mirror object)
$local (localStorage proxy object)

$sessionData (sessionStorage mirror object)
$session (sessionStorage proxy object)

You can pass in options when registering to modify the global name:

import vueTheStorages from 'vue-the-storages'

// default, you can modify
const vueTheStoragesOptions = {
  localMirrorKey: '$localData',
  localStorageKey: '$local',

  sessionMirrorKey: '$sessionData',
  sessionStorageKey: '$session',
  options: {
    vueModule: null,
    strict: true,
    mirrorOperation: false,
    updateMirror: true

// vue2
Vue.use(vueTheStorages, vueTheStoragesOptions)

// vue3 (just use)
createApp(App).use(vueTheStorages, vueTheStoragesOptions).mount('#app')

App.vue or any components (test)

        <div>{{ $localData }}</div>
        <div>{{ $local }}</div>
        <button @click="test">test</button>

export default {
    methods: {
        test() {
            this.$local.set('hello', { message: 'halo' })
            // the same:
            // this.$local.hello = { message: 'halo' }
            // this.$local.hello.message 'halo'

↑ The above is the usage of vue plugin

All APIs are completely consistent, you can refer to

↓ Below is the description of the-storages


// npm i the-storages
import { createLocal, createSession } from 'the-storages'

const mirror = createLocal() // create localStorage; createSession is sessionStorage
const storage = mirror._prx 

console.log(storage, mirror)
storage.set('hello', 'world')
console.log(storage, mirror)

Vue (common):

See index.html for details (vue3). vue2.html, vue2_zh.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- storages test page for vue2 -->
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
  <title>the-storages | vue2</title>
  <script src=""></script>

  <div id="app">
    <h1>the-storage | vue2</h1>
    <div>storageData (storage mirror object): {{ storageData }}</div>
    <div>storageProxyObj (storage proxy object): {{ storageProxyObj }}</div>
      <button @click="test">click me, set a message</button>
  import { createLocal, createSession, createStorage } from 'the-storages'

  // create storage mirror object (localStorage)
  // mirror object used for data binding, get data
  const mirror = createLocal() 

  // storage proxy object (enhanced storage)
  // used to operate storage
  const storage = mirror._prx 

  new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data() {
      return {
        // the mirror object can make the data update automatically
        // so it's more suitable for obtaining storage data
        storageData: mirror,

        // the storage proxy object has all the methods and features 
        // (but it is not recommended to put it directly into the view)
        // so it's more suitable for storage operation
        storage: storage
    created() {
      // ensure that the storage data on the view can be updated automatically
      console.log(this.storageData)'hello', 'firstData')
    methods: {
      test () {'foo', { bar: 1 })




// set data to localStorage
storage.set('test', { message: 'im an object' }) // set a object
storage.setItem('test2', 'hello2') // set a string
storage.test3 = { hello111: 'im an object too' } // set a object

// set multiple data to localStorage
storage.set(['a','b','c'], [1,2,'g']) // parameter [keys ... ]:[values... ]
storage.set({a: 1, b: 2, c: 'g'}) // { key1: value1, key2: value2 ... }

// set data to localStorage, recursive creation
storage.a.b.c.d.e = 'test' 
storage.setChain('', 'testChain')

// each sync method has a sync copy method
storage.setAsync('async foo', 'bar').then(res => { console.log('set async complete') })
storage.setChainAsync('', 'haha').then(res => { console.log('set asyncChain complete') })

// get data from localStorage
storage.get('test') // will get object

console.log(storage.test) // the same
storage.getItem('test') // the same
localStorage.getItem('test') // the same

storage.get('test', false) // will get json string

// get multiple results
storage.get(['test', 'test2', 'test3']) // will get object { key1: value1, key2: value2 ... }

// recursive acquisition

// each sync method has a sync copy method
storage.getAsync('test').then(res => { console.log(res) })

// remove key from localStorage
storage.remove('test') // none return
storage.remove('test', true) // will return test's value
storage.pop('test') // the same

// watchers
// active: events triggered by the current page
storage.watchActive('get', e => { console.log(e) })

// passive: events triggered by the other page
storage.watchPassive('set', e => { console.log(e) })

// valid events
console.log(storage._activeEvents) // active events
console.log(storage._passiveEvents) // passive events

// unwatch


Some docs here...
import { createLocal, createSession, Storage } from 'the-storages'

const mirror = createLocal() // create localStorage; createSession is sessionStorage
const storage = mirror._prx  // storage proxy
  • createLocal

    create enhanced localStorage
    only localstorage supports multi-page data binding

    options: Object

    Default options

        vueModule: null,
        strict: true,
        mirrorOperation: false,
        updateMirror: true
  • createSession

    create enhanced sessionStorage Since the session of each page is independent, multi-page data binding is not supported

    options: Object

    Default options: same

storage (proxy) object methods

  • getItem

    get item from storage

    storage.getItem(key, parse = true)
    key: String, Array

    if key is an Array, get multiple, return object.

    parse: Boolean

    if parse, try to return JSON.parse(result)

  • get

    Shorthand method name for getItem

    storage.get(key, parse = true)
  • getAsync

    Asynchronous method of getItem

    storage.getAsync(...args).then(res => {})
  • setItem

    set item from storage

    storage.setItem(key, value)
    key: String, Array, Object

    If both key and value are array types, set multiple. [...keys] -> [...values]
    If key is an Object, set multiple. { key1: value1, key2: value2 }

    value: Any

    The value will fix with JSON.stringify

  • set

    Shorthand method name for setItem

    storage.set(key, value)
  • setAsync

    Asynchronous method of setItem

    storage.setAsync(...args).then(res => {})
  • removeItem

    remove item from storage

    storage.removeItem(key, pop = false)
    key: String, Array

    If key is an Array, remove multiple keys.

    pop: Boolean

    If pop, removeItem will return the deleted value

  • remove

    Shorthand method name for removeItem

    storage.remove(key, pop = false)
  • removeAsync

    Asynchronous method of removeItem

    storage.removeAsync(...args).then(res => {})
  • clear

    clear the storage

  • clearAsync

    Asynchronous method of clear

    storage.clearAsync().then(res => {})
  • setChain

    Set storage data recursively, try not to overwrite the attributes on the chain.

    storage.setChain(keyChain, value)
    keyChain: String

    sample: storage.setChain('a.b.c.d.e', 1) == (storage.a.b.c.d.e = 1)

    value: Any

    Value will be set on the last object of keyChain

  • setChainAsync

    Asynchronous method of setChain

    storage.setChainAsync(...args).then(res => {})
  • getChain

    Get storage data recursively, will get the value of the last object on keyChain.

    storage.setChain(keyChain, value)
    key: String

    sample: storage.getChain('a.b.c.d.e') == storage.a.b.c.d.e

    • setChainAsync

    Asynchronous method of getChain

    storage.getChainAsync(...args).then(res => {})
  • watch

    Add a listener for the specified type of storage change event, eventType, handler)
    triggerType: String

    Must be 'active' or 'passive'.
    active: events triggered by the current page
    passive: events triggered by the other page

    eventType: String

    Add handler function for specified event.
    active: must in ["get", "set", "remove", "pop", "clear"]
    passive: must in ["set", "remove", "clear"]

    handler: Function

    Handler will receives a parameter: event

  • watchActive

    Asynchronous method of watch, triggerType is 'active'

    storage.watchActive(eventType, handler)
  • watchPassive

    Asynchronous method of watch, triggerType is 'passive'

    storage.watchPassive(eventType, handler)
  • unwatch

    Remove listener for the specified type of storage change event

    storage.unwatch(triggerType, eventType)
    triggerType: String

    Must be 'active' or 'passive'.
    active: events triggered by the current page
    passive: events triggered by the other page

    eventType: String

    Remove listener for specified event.
    active: must in ["get", "set", "remove", "pop", "clear"]
    passive: must in ["set", "remove", "clear"]

  • unwatchActive

    Asynchronous method of unwatch, triggerType is 'active'

  • watchPassive

    Asynchronous method of unwatch, triggerType is 'passive'

  • bindVm

    Binding the Vue module (instance) object to ensure that the Vue view can be updated.

    vueModule: Vue instance

    Equivalent to "this" in the vue instance.
    Please call this function to bind "this" when the page is initialized.

  • toString

    return storage data as JSON string

  • _data

    return storage data as Object


Storage constructor methods

const _Storage = new Storage()
  • create

    create and return an enhanced storage mirror object.

    _Storage.create(type, options)
    type: String

    must be 'localStorage' or 'sessionStorage'.

    options: Object

    Please see the default options of createLocal

  • _asyncWrapper

    Convert sync functions to async functions and return

    func: Function

    sync functions

  • _createObject

    Create Object through Array

    _Storage._asyncWrapper(list, defaultValue = null))
    list: Array

    keys Array

    defaultValue: any

    every key's value

  • _notNull

    is val === null || undefined || nan ?

    val: any
  • _parse

    Try to parse the JSON string (return the original value if it fails)

    value: any
  • _stringify

    Try to stringify the value (return the original value if it fails)

    value: any
  • _zip

    Compress two Arrays into an object corresponding to a key value

    _Storage._zip(array1, array2)
    array1: Array

    keys Array

    array2: Array

    values Array

Development / test

You are willing to help me improve this project. Or you need to do some testing.

1. Clone this repository

git clone

2. Installation dependencies

npm i

3. Start

npm run dev

4. Open the test page (Default port is 8080)

I provide two sample pages: vue.js 3 and vue.js 2 (CDN

You can open two pages to experience multi-page data binding and data synchronization.

vue.js 3
vue.js 2
vue.js 2 中文版页面


It is recommended to use snowpack to run or build (instead of webpack with babel, beacuse snowpack natively supports es6, and faster)



A Vue plugin that enhances localStorage/sessionStorage (supports vue2 and vue3). It allows two-way binding of storage data, multi-page data binding, storage event listener, and rich api (async/sync)








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