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Carrel - Library Management System

Not ready for production

Carrel is an Open Source application designed to manage any library. Given the flow of books each day keeping track of it is a hectic task. In addition to flow of books; maintaining data about each student, staff and all the heavy load of books makes it even more difficult. Carrel helps to provide information on any book present in the library. It keeps track of books issued, returned and added to the library. The application makes use of QR codes for ease of the process.It provides a simple graphical user interface for the Library Staff to manage the functions of the library effectively.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Software
    • Windows 10
    • .NET framework - 4.6.1
    • Visual Studio 2017 or later
    • Microsoft SQL Management Server 2017
  • Hardware
    • Processor with speed of 1GHz or more.
    • RAM : 4GB or more
    • Webcam


A step by step series of examples that tells you how to get a development environment running

Clone the GitHub repository

git clone

Create local database

  • Open CARREL.sql in Database folder with SQL Server Management Studio and Execute it.

Build the solution

  • Open LibraryManagement.sln in Visual Studio
  • Click on Build tab -> Build - LibraryManagement.sln
  • Click on Start to start working with the project.

When the projecte is executed - It will ask you to scan the QR to login. Initially a test Admin is created when we create the local Database.

Scan the follwing QR to login - the deault PIN is 0000

Test QR

Once logged in you can scan the TEST Admin QR to access the Admin Option - Where you can create a new admin and also print card for the same.

Built With


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details