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This project contains a Maven archetype for modular GWT projects using Spring Boot. The repo is based on the implementation of Thomas Broyer's gwt-maven-archetypes.

If you are looking for the original archetype creator or would prefer another backend/implementation, please visit: gwt-maven-archetypes.

How to use

Generate a project

mvn archetype:generate \
   -DarchetypeGroupId=com.github.nalukit.archetype \
   -DarchetypeVersion=LATEST \

where the available <artifactIds> is:

  • clean-modular-springboot-webapp
  • modular-springboot-webapp

This should use the latest release from the Central Repository.


Generates a clean Spring Boot multi Maven module project without any example code. If you need a clean approach, this is the best way to start.

The generated project will use the following version:

  • Java 17
  • GWT 2.11.0
  • Spring Boot 3.2.5


Generates a Spring Boot multi Maven module project with any example code. The example is similar to the one from the GWT project.

The generated project will use the following version:

  • Java 17
  • GWT 2.11.0
  • Spring Boot 3.2.5

Local generation

Alternatively, and/or if you want to hack on / contribute to the archetypes, you can clone and install the project locally:

git clone
cd gwt-maven-springboot-archetype && mvn clean compile

You'll then use the mvn archetype:generate command from above, except for the -DarchetypeVersion argument which you'll replace with HEAD-SNAPSHOT.

Start the development mode

Change directory to your generated project and issue the following commands:

  1. In one terminal window: mvn gwt:codeserver -pl *-client -am
  2. In another terminal window: mvn spring-boot:run -pl *-server -am

After a mvn clean compile you have to wait until you see this line 'The code server is ready at' before starting the Spring Boot server.

Note that the -pl and -am are not strictly necessary, they just tell Maven not to build the client module when you're dealing with the server one, and vice versa.

In case you will debug the server code and create a running configuration in your preferred IDE, make sure, to start the code server (wait until the url with 9876 at the end appears) before the Spring Boot Service.

Once both are server are running, enter http://localhost:8080 in a browser window.


To use variable interpolation in parameters during mvn archetype:generate, you need at least version 2.2 of the maven-archetype-plugin. Archetypes use ${module.toLowerCase()} as the default value for the module-short-name parameter, so if you don't use version 2.2 or above of the maven-archetype-plugin, make sure you provide a value and do not use the default one for that parameter. You can also make sure you use version 2.2 of the plugin by using mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate instead of mvn archetype:generate. It should be noted that variable interpolation also does not work in M2Eclipse's wizard, despite using recent versions of Maven thus (probably) a recent-enough version of the maven-archetype-plugin.


This project contains Maven archetypes for modular GWT projects using Spring Boot Server







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