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Zoning API

This project is an API for serving data related to zoning, such as zoning districts and tax lots.

Running the project locally

Make sure you're using the correct version of Node

The .nvmrc file tells you which version of node you should be using to run the project. If you're using nvm and already have the correct version installed, you can switch by running nvm use from the root of this repo.

Install dependencies

Once you have cloned this repo, install the necessary dependencies:

npm i

Set up your .env file

Create a file called .env in the root folder of the project and copy the contents of sample.env into that new file

Run local database with docker compose

Next, use docker compose to stand up a local Postgresql database.

docker compose up

If you need to install docker compose, follow these instructions.

Configure PostGIS

Enable geospatial features by installing the postgis extension

npm run pg:configure

Drizzle ORM setup

Structure the database tables with drizzle

npm run drizzle:migrate

Data loading

Load the data into the tables. Under the hood, this uses the Postgres COPY command.

npm run pg:copy

Run the project

Finally, to run the project locally:

npm run dev

OpenApi documentation

Open Api documentation is managed through redoc. Changes to the documentation are managed through edits to the openapi/openapi.yaml file. The openapi/index.html is used to serve the rendered documentation. It is generated through the redocly cli and should not be manually edited.

The api serves the documentation on its root path.

  • To serve a development version of the rendered documentation while making edits, use npm run redoc:dev.
  • To check for linting errors in the openapi/openapi.yaml, use npm run redoc:lint.
  • To rebuild the openapi/index.html with the latest changes to the openapi/openapi.yaml, use npm run redoc:build
    • The api serves the documentation from this html file. It is only updated when it is specifically rebuilt.

For production workflows, npm run build includes the command to build the documentation into the html file, ensuring the production site serves the latest api documentation.

OpenApi code generation

This project makes use of Kubb to generate code based on the openapi.yaml file. Kubb is configured in the kubb.config.ts file to use the @kubb/swagger-ts and @kubb/swagger-zod plugins to generate typescript types and Zod schemas. These types and schemas can then be used to perform validation on route params, query params, and request bodies via the ZodValidationPipe custom Nest pipe.

This code is kept in /src/gen. Developers working on this project should never make manual changes to the contents of that folder. To update the generated code to reflect changes to openapi.yaml, run npm run generate.


This application is API for serving data related to zoning and tax lots.






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