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Initial Demo

Past due by almost 12 years 0% complete

Finish client and basic server commands in order to demo multiplayer world

Client needs to:
Menu State needs to handle connecting/disconnecting from server
Login handles authenticating/registering a user then moving to Play State
Play state needs to setup Away3D scene
Cycle through: get player position, display map, display any nearby orcs
Input: send pla…

Finish client and basic server commands in order to demo multiplayer world

Client needs to:
Menu State needs to handle connecting/disconnecting from server
Login handles authenticating/registering a user then moving to Play State
Play state needs to setup Away3D scene
Cycle through: get player position, display map, display any nearby orcs
Input: send player move request, update upon server response, if map changes load new map
If server disconnects remove play state from stack and go back to menu

Server needs to:
Accept new connection. Auth/Register user to that connection from db (memcache)
Run server simulation - currently just move orcs around and push any map changes to queue
If player requests move, check move is legit, update move then send confirmation back
Respond to map load requests to load a submap