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Workflows to calculate relative free energies using non-equilibrium switching for buried water molecules


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This repository contains workflows to calculate relative free energies using non-equilibrium switching for buried water molecules. These workflows operate on thermodynamic cycles like these:

Thermodynamic cycle

The purple cycle includes additional restraints for the protein, and is preferred when it is likely that the binding site might collapse once the water is removed. In all other cases, the simpler blue cycle can be used.

Cycle branches

  • A, the target branch: We will find its value by summing all other branches.
  • B, water restraints correction for interacting water: Calculated from equilibrium simulations of its end points (stages 1 and 2, simulations of the protein interacting with the unrestrained and restrained water, respectively).
  • C, water coupling / decoupling: Calculated using multiple NES simulations from each end point to the other (stages 2 and 3, simulations of the protein with and without interactions with the restrained water). The starting structures are obtained from long equilibrium simulations at the end points.
  • D, water restraints correction for non-interacting water: This value can be calculated analytically, no simulations required.
  • E, transfer of non-interacting water to bulk water: This branch does not involve any free energy change, $\Delta G_{E} = 0$.
  • F, turn on interactions of water molecule in bulk water: This process is only depending on the water model, so it can be simulated once and reused for every system which uses the same water model. This is currently not part of the workflow.


  • Stage 1: This simulates the protein complex with an unrestrained, fully interacting water molecule. Simulations include minimization, equilibration in NVT and NPT, production simulation in NPT. During the production run, the free energy with respect to the water restraint (which is turned off) is calculated.
  • Stage 2: This simulates the protein complex with a restrained, fully interacting water molecule. Simulations include minimization, equilibration in NVT and NPT, production simulation in NPT. During the production run, the free energy with respect to the water restraint (which is turned on) is calculated. Characteristic structures from the production simulation are used to start NES simulations (transition stage 2 to 3).
  • Stage 3: This simulates the protein complex with a restrained, non-interacting water molecule. Simulations include minimization, equilibration in NVT and NPT, production simulation in NPT. Characteristic structures from the production simulation are used to start NES simulations (transition stage 3 to 2).
  • Stages 4 and 5: Coming soon.


Currently, this repo contains input files for five proteins, each in combination with one to three different ligands. The protein-ligand complexes are named after their PDB ID. They include

  • HIV-1 protease: 1HPX, 1EC0, 1EBW
  • Trypsin: 1AZ8, 1C5T, 1GI1
  • Scytalone dehydratase[1]: 3STD, 4STD, 7STD
  • Factor Xa: 1EZQ, 1LPG, 1F0S
  • BPTI: 5PTI

[1]: 3STD has a different water site than 4STD and 7STD


Run simulations

All simulations can be run using the bash file scripts/ There is an integrated documentation which can be called by running the script with the -h flag:

$ bash scripts/ -h
Run Water NES simulations.

USAGE: [-h] -d dir -t dir [-c crd] -x gmx [-o opts] -s N -p {min,eqNVT,eqNPT,prod,NES} [-n N]
-h      Print this help and exit
-d dir  The base working directory for the stage
-t top  The topology directory including topology files
-c crd  The input coordinates
        Mandatory for the minimization phase, ignored otherwise
-x gmx  The GROMACS executable to use
-o opts The run options, e.g. "-nt 16 -ntomp 4", optional
-s N    The stage to run, one of:
        1: Stage with fully interacting, non-restrained water
        2: Stage with fully interacting, restrained water
        3: Stage with non-interacting, restrained water
-p {min,eqNVT,eqNPT,prod,NES}
        The simulation phase to run, one or more of: min, eqNVT, eqNPT, prod, NES
        Separate different phases by spaces, e.g. -p "min eqNVT eqNPT"
        Note: The NES phase is only available for stages 2 and 3
-n N    The run number for the NES phase
        Mandatory for the NES phase, ignored otherwise

In the above USAGE string, flags in brackets ([]) are optional, options in braces ({}) denote possible values, and all other flags are mandatory.

The directory (-d) is the base directory. All simulations input and output is going to be written in subdirectories of this base directory. The only requirement for this directory is full write access. All files within the directory might be overwritten.

The topology directory (-t) needs to contain topology files for the system to be simulated. Required files are the main topology named as, as well as files containing $\lambda$-dependent and $\lambda$-independent position restraints for the water, named and, respectively.

The coordinate file (-c) needs to contain starting coordinates for the system matching with the topology found in the topology directory. This is only needed for the minimization phase.

The GROMACS executable to use (-x) can either be a path to an executable, or simply gmx if it is in the path.

The run options (-o) are only used for the call to gmx mdrun, and allow to set parallelization details or other run time options accepted by gmx mdrun.

The stage (-s) denotes one of the stages of the thermodynamic cycle as defined above.

The simulation phase (-p) defines the simulation to be run, one of min (minimization of the input configuration), eqNVT (thermalization at constant volume), eqNPT (equilibration at constant temperature and pressure), prod (production simulation in NPT), and NES (non-equilibrium transition simulations, only for stages 2 and 3). Each phase builds on the previous phase. Several phases can be combined. Note that the NES phase requires that the starting structures were prepared from the result of the prod phase, so it cannot be directly chained.

For the NES phase, the run number needs to be given with the flag -n. Each run starts from a different configuration, extracted from the production simulation with the scripts/ script. The -n flag is ignored for all other phases.

Prepare configurations for NES runs

NES simulations need to be run from multiple starting structures representative of the ensemble of configurations in the end states. To achieve this, we extract configurations from the long NPT production simulations in stages 2 and 3. This operation can be performed using the scripts/ script. Again, a help function describes the functionality:

Prepare structures for NES simulations

USAGE: [-h] -d dir -x gmx -n num
-h      Print this help and exit
-d dir  The base working directory of the stage
        This directory is expected to have a subdirectory prod/
        with the results of the production simulation of that stage
-x gmx  The GROMACS executable to use
-n num  The number of structures to prepare

In the above USAGE string, flags in brackets ([]) are optional, while all other flags are mandatory.

The directory (-d) is the base directory of the stage in which all simulation input and output was written, and should be the same directory that was used for the -d flag of the script. Specifically, the script is looking for the mdp file and the trajectory file in the prod/ folder under this base directory.

The GROMACS executable to use (-x) can either be a path to an executable, or simply gmx if it is in the path.

Finally, -n denotes the number of structures to prepare. This defines how many structures are extracted from the production simulation for further use.


Edge B

Analysis of the equilibrium endpoint free energy difference is implemented in a Python function. See the following simple example for its usage:

import pathlib

from water_nes.analysis.endpoint_free_energy import calculate_endpoint_free_energy

# Define input directory - here we use the test input files
input_directory = pathlib.PurePath('tests/endpoint_input_files')

# The GROMACS free energy xvg files for the end states (lambda = 0 and
# lambda = 1) are stored in files `lambda0.xvg` and `lambda1.xvg`.
# In the following example, we calculate the endpoint free energy in
# kcal/mol, ignoring the initial 1ns and any part of the trajectory
# after 15ns.
free_energy_estimate = calculate_endpoint_free_energy(

# Print free energy estimate
print(f"Free energy estimate: "
      f"{free_energy_estimate.value:.2f} += {free_energy_estimate.error:.2f} "

The last line prints the estimate obtained by the calculate_endpoint_free_energy function. For the test files, it will look like this:

Free energy estimate: 2.10 += 0.28 kcal/mol

Edge C

Analysis of the non-equilibrium switching calculations is implemented in a Python function. Here's a minimal example:

import pathlib

from water_nes.analysis.nes_free_energy import calculate_nes_free_energy

# Define input directory - here we use the test input files
input_directory = pathlib.PurePath('tests/nes_input_files')

# Create lists of input files. The transition between stages A and B happens in
# two steps, by first turning off the Coulomb interactions, then the vdW
# interactions, or vice-versa.
xvg_forward_coulomb = [
    input_directory.joinpath(f"transition_A2B_coul_{n}.xvg") for n in range(1, 11)
xvg_forward_vdw = [
    input_directory.joinpath(f"transition_A2B_vdw_{n}.xvg") for n in range(1, 11)
xvg_backward_coulomb = [
    input_directory.joinpath(f"transition_B2A_coul_{n}.xvg") for n in range(1, 11)
xvg_backward_vdw = [
    input_directory.joinpath(f"transition_B2A_vdw_{n}.xvg") for n in range(1, 11)

# Get free energy estimate in kcal/mol
free_energy_estimate = calculate_nes_free_energy(
    xvg_files_forward_transition=[xvg_forward_coulomb, xvg_forward_vdw],
    xvg_files_backward_transition=[xvg_backward_vdw, xvg_backward_coulomb],

# Print free energy estimate
print(f"Free energy estimate: "
      f"{free_energy_estimate.value:.2f} += {free_energy_estimate.error:.2f} "

The last line prints the estimate obtained by the calculate_nes_free_energy function. For the test files, it will look like this:

Free energy estimate: 10.41 += 0.62 kcal/mol

This is the free energy estimate for edge C, the transition from stage 2 to stage 3.

Input files

GROMACS mdp files

The input parameters for each of the phases (min / eqNVT / eqNPT / prod / NES) are almost identical between the different stages of the thermodynamics cycle. The common parameters are stored in input/{min,eqNVT,eqNPT,prod,nes}.mdp. Any changes to the simulations of the different phases can be done in these files.

The difference between the stages are determined by the free energy settings of the parameter file. These are stored in input/stage{1,2,3}.mdp. Any changes to the free energy settings defining the different phases can be done in these files.

For the NES phase, the free energy settings are different from the other stages, and there are two independent simulations (coupling or decoupling the vdW and the Coulomb interactions separately). As a result, there are two additional parameter files for stages 2 and 3, input/stage{2,3}NES{1,2}.mdp.

The script combines the phase-defining and the stage-defining mdp files to create the run file used by gmx grompp.

GROMACS topology files

The topology files for the different systems mentioned are stored in folders named by their PDB ID in systems/. The base topologies (named do not contain the intramolecular interaction which restrains the water to the protein, because these restraints vary based on the stage in the thermodynamic cycle and the simulation phase. These interactions are stored in separate files in the same directories named and, respectively.

Configuration files

The input configurations (named system.gro) used for the minimization are stored in the same folders as their respective topology files.



This script tests the scripts/ and scripts/ files by making sure that the typical usage (including calls to GROMACS) runs without errors. The test is invoked by calling bash tests/ from the root of the repository. The test script expects gmx to be in the path.

A GitHub action runs this test on every push and every PR to main.

Python tests

The Python files located in the water_nes/ folder are covered by a combination of unit and regression tests. They can be invoked by

python -m pytest tests

The tests require pytest and pytest-regressions to be installed.

The regression tests are storing the output of previous runs of the tests, and are comparing the output of the current run to this reference output. As is the nature of regression tests, this means that some changes will (and should!) make these tests fail. The regression tests allow us to monitor exactly what changes happened, and check whether they were intended. If such a change is intended, the reference data can be regenerated using

python -m pytest tests --force-regen

HPC3 files

The scripts located at hpc3/ are example files on how to use the scripts in this repository on UC Irvine's HPC3 cluster. These files are mostly stored to improve reproducibility within the Mobley Lab, but might also be useful as templates to others.


Workflows to calculate relative free energies using non-equilibrium switching for buried water molecules







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