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Synto - SYNthesis planning TOol

Synto is a tool for chemical synthesis planning based on Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) with various implementations of policy and value functions.


Important: all versions require python from 3.8 and up to 3.10!

Linux distributions

Dev: Installation with conda-lock

conda-lock is a tool used for creating deterministic environment specifications for conda environments. This is useful for ensuring consistent environments across different machines or at different times. To install conda-lock, follow these steps:

1. Install conda-lock

You need to have conda or mamba installed on your system to install conda-lock. If you have not installed conda yet, you can download it from Miniconda or Anaconda.

wget "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh" bash Miniforge3-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh

Once conda is installed, you can install conda-lock by running:

conda install -c conda-forge -n base conda-lock

or, if you are using mamba:

mamba install -c conda-forge -n base conda-lock

2. Install the environment using the conda-lock file

Once you have a .conda-lock file, you can create a conda environment that exactly matches the specifications in the lock file. To do this, use:

conda-lock install -n synto --file conda-linux64-GPU-lock.yml

This command will read the .conda-lock file and create an environment with the exact package versions specified in the file.


Make sure that the .conda-lock file is in your current working directory or provide the path to the file when using the conda-lock install command.

Dev: Installation with poetry

It requires only poetry 1.3.2. To install poetry, follow the example below, or the instructions on

For example, on Ubuntu we can install miniconda and set an environment in which we will install poetry with the following commands:

# install miniconda

# install poetry
conda create -n synto -c conda-forge "poetry=1.3.2" "python=3.10" -y
conda activate synto

# install Synto
git clone

# navigate to the Synto folder and run the following command:
cd Synto/
poetry install --with cpu

If Poetry fails with error, a possible solution is to update the bashrc file with the following command:

echo 'export PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring' >> ~/.bashrc
exec "bash"


After installation, one can add the Synto environment in their Jupyter platform:

python -m ipykernel install --user --name synto --display-name "synto"


The usage is mostly optimized for the command line interface. Here are some implemented commands:

  • synto_planning
  • synto_training
  • synto_extract_rules
  • synto_policy_training
  • synto_self_tuning

Each command has a description that can be called with command --help

Run retrosynthetic planning

synto_planning --config="planning_config.yaml"

Run training from scratch

synto_training --config="training_config.yaml"


The detailed documentation can be found here


synto_training --config="configs/training_config.yaml"
synto_planning --config="configs/planning_config.yaml"