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This Node.js script recursively scans through all `.sol` (Solidity) files in a given directory and its subdirectories, calculates the keccak256 signatures for functions, custom errors, and require statements, and outputs the results in a markdown-formatted file.

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Solidity Signature Decoder

This Node.js script recursively scans through all .sol (Solidity) files in a given directory and its subdirectories, calculates the keccak256 signatures for all detected functions, custom errors, and require statements. The results are output in a markdown-formatted file.

Use Cases

  • Verifying smart contract interfaces for consistency.
  • Detecting selector and error signature collisions in contracts.
  • Auto-generating documentation of contract functions and errors.
  • Integrating with CI/CD pipelines for pre-deployment checks.


  • Recursively scans a directory for .sol files.
  • Calculates keccak256 signatures for:
    • Solidity functions.
    • Solidity custom errors.
    • Solidity require statement conditions and messages.
  • Outputs results in a markdown file with a clear structure.


  • Node.js
  • NPM or Yarn
  • web3 package
  • dotenv package for environment variables management


Before running the script, you need to install the necessary Node.js packages:

npm install web3 dotenv

Or if you are using Yarn:

yarn add web3 dotenv

Ensure that you have a .env file in your project root containing your Websocket URL:



To use this script, run it with Node.js, passing in the directory path to scan and the desired output file path for the markdown report.

node script.js <directoryPath> <outputFilePath>


node script.js "./contracts" "./"

The script will:

  1. Connect to the Ethereum blockchain using the Websocket URL specified in the .env file.
  2. Read .sol files from the specified directory and subdirectories.
  3. Calculate signatures for functions, custom errors, and require statements.
  4. Output the signatures into the specified markdown file.

Output Format

The output markdown file will have the following format:

### Relative/Path/To/Contract.sol

#### Functions:
- Line 23: `functionName(type1,type2,...)` | Selector: `0xSignature`

#### Custom Errors:
- Line 42: `ErrorName(type1,type2,...)` | Signature: `0xSignature`

#### Require Statements:
- Line 69: `require(condition, "error message")` | Signature: `0xSignature`


Each contract file will be separated by horizontal rules for clarity.


  • Add functionality to create default solidity getter signatures for all public variables in the source code and add them to the list of functions for each contract under a different heading. *DONE see script v2
  • Create check for function selector signature collisions
  • Add functionality to analyse single folders or files
  • Add option to disable recursiveness
  • Add feature to remove colliding function selector signatures or flag them as multiples(with count).
  • Create simple toggle to switch off custom error, require error or function selector analysis/data gathering.
  • Github scraping via URLs.
  • File explorer or some graphical UI to select files/folders to process.
  • Add confirmation dialog for overwriting files, and toggle for overwrite or append.
  • Enum and environment variables in function signatures need to be handled correctly.

Lots to do :)


This Node.js script recursively scans through all `.sol` (Solidity) files in a given directory and its subdirectories, calculates the keccak256 signatures for functions, custom errors, and require statements, and outputs the results in a markdown-formatted file.







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