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small scripts, functions or bits of code for parsing genomic data


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small scripts, functions, tiny testing dataset or bits of code for parsing genomics data. I am not entirely sure about origin of all the scripts and some of them are very likely to contains bits of StackOverflow or code of my labmates, namely Andrea.


all excutible scripts are freely in the folder with description in this README. R functions are saved one per file in folder R_scripts.

executible scripts

  • - prints a subset (sam) of headers from bam; usually used with ... | samtools -bh - >
  • <file.depth> - converts depth computed by samtools depth
  • depth2depth_per_contig.awk - does completely same thing, I just forgot that I wrote python script already, need to do a speed test to chose which one to keep
  • - converts depth computed by samtools depth in coverages - per scaffold (default) or per window (fixed, or dynamically set). See -h for all the options. Example use: samtools depth -aa test/data/ten_reads_map.bam | python -b test/data/ten_reads_map.bam --dynamic-window-size -w 100000 > test/data/coverages.bed
  • <file.fasta> <seqname> - exrect a sequence of name from fasta file
  • <file.fasta> - computes lengths of seqeunces in fasta file
  • <file.gtk> <file.fasta> - extract coding seqeunces written in gtk file from fasta file (kallisto)
  • <file.fasta> <start> <end> - extract a subsequence starting by nucleotide position ending by from simple fasta file
  • - computes lengths of seqeunces in fasta file returned togheder with sequence headers`
  • <file.fasta> <filter> - on standard output will be printed a fasta containing only sequences longer than <filter>
  • <file.fastq> <filter> - on standard output will be printed a fasta containing only sequences longer than <filter>
  • <file.fasta> [<genome_size>] - on standard output will be printed standard genomic stats (total sum, number of sequences, N50, L50). If <genome_size> is not specified, the half of the total sum is used for computation of N50 and L50
  • <file.fa> <headers.list> - on standard output will be printed a fasta containing only sequences in header list
  • -a <annotation.gff3> -g <genome.fa> -f <feature> - subset a <genome> to scaffolds that contain an annotated <feature>.- - under construction

R functions

  • getNX(x, NX, genome_size) where x is vector of contig / scaffold lengths, NX is a X to be computed (or vector of NXs). If genome size is not provided it is computed as sum of all lengths
  • fixed_bin_histogram(list_of_things_to_display, pal, bins) - a wrapper function for R hist to plot mutiple overlaping histograms with fixed breaks for all of them
fixed_bin_histogram <- function(list_of_things_to_display, pal = NA, bins = 50,
                                   xlim = NA, ylim = NA, probability = F,
                                   border = F, default_legend = T,
                                   main = '', xlab = 'Value', ylab = NA, ...)

#   list_of_things_to_display - list of vectors to be plotted
#   pal - pallete; their respective colours; got to have the same length
#   bins - similar like breaks it defines the number of bars in the histogram; but unlike breaks it the number of displayed bars (considering xlim), the number is approximate, used breaks for all the histograms are pretty(xlim, bins)
#   xlim, ylim - by defeault "all data and all hights", by changing xlim breaks get recalculated to keep "bins" relative the displayed number of bars
#   probability - create non/normalised histograms with Frequency/Density on the y axis (make big difference for datasets of different sizes)
#   default_legend - by detailt names of elements in the list, can be turned off by setting this value to F
#   main - sets title
#   xlab, ylab - sets label of the x axis (default: "Value"), for yaxis the defaut is Frequency/Density dependent on probability being = F/T
#   ... - all addenitional paramaters will be passed to the "plot" function rendering all the histograms


a 5 scaffold reference (five_scaffolds.fa) are saved in folder test. Using make you can generate a testing dataset consisting of

  • 20x coverage pair-end reads generated from the reference for reasonable variant callings (fq.gz)
  • 10 pair-reads for control of coordinates / nt sequences (fq)
  • mapped reads (both read files) using bwa-mem (.bam)

this should serve for sanity checks, maybe latter on they will be integrated in for more formal tests of these scripts.

to add

GC content oneliner:

awk "BEGIN { print "$(grep -v ">" $ASM | tr -cd CG | wc -c)"/"$(grep -v ">" $ASM | tr -cd ATCG | wc -c)" }"


small scripts, functions or bits of code for parsing genomic data








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