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aioslsk is a Python library for the SoulSeek protocol built on top of asyncio.

Supported Python versions are currently 3.8 - 3.12

You can find the full documentation here


pip install aioslsk

Quick Start

Starting the client and sending a private message:

import asyncio
from aioslsk.client import SoulSeekClient
from aioslsk.commands import PrivateMessageCommand
from aioslsk.settings import Settings, CredentialsSettings

# Create default settings and configure credentials
settings: Settings = Settings(

async def main():
    client: SoulSeekClient = SoulSeekClient(settings)

    await client.start()
    await client.login()

    # Send a private message
    await client.execute(PrivateMessageCommand('my_friend', 'Hi!'))

    await client.stop()


Install poetry and setup the project dependencies by running:

poetry install

A tool is available to start the client for debugging purposes (try out commands to the server, ...):

  1. Create a settings.json file containing valid credentials in the tools/debug/ directory (or pass a path using --settings)
  2. Run poetry run python -m tools.debug.debug_mode to start the REPL
  3. Run an example command: >>> await client(cmds.GetPeerAddressCommand('some user'), response=True)
  4. To close the REPL execute exit() or press Ctrl+Z

Optionally the script takes a --cache-dir that will read/write the transfer and shares cache from the given directory


The package uses several dependencies:

Building the documentation

cd docs/
poetry run make html

Running Tests

Running all tests:

poetry run pytest tests/

Running all tests with code coverage report:

poetry run pytest --cov=aioslsk --cov-report term-missing tests/

Running the mock server:

poetry run python -m tests.e2e.mock.server
poetry run python -m tests.e2e.mock.server --port 12345 54321