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handle various lag scenarios (removal and orphan) while CTs attached #1158

handle various lag scenarios (removal and orphan) while CTs attached

handle various lag scenarios (removal and orphan) while CTs attached #1158

Workflow file for this run

name: Go package
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@8e5e7e5ab8b370d6c329ec480221332ada57f0ab # v3.5.2
- name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@fac708d6674e30b6ba41289acaab6d4b75aa0753 # v4.0.1
go-version: '1.21'
- name: go fmt
run: make gofmt
- name: gofumpt
run: scripts/
- name: go vet
run: make govet
- name: staticcheck
run: make staticcheck
- name: tfplugindocs
run: make docs-check
- name: compliance
run: make compliance-check