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Example: Fully-meshed Route Servers


  • cRPD is used as route servers for EVPN connectivity to minimize peering requirements in a many-DC environment.
  • Route servers, and Kubernetes nodes, are defined as "a" or "b" side. In this example, they exist within a single Kubernetes cluster using labels to differentiate between nodes. However, it is feasible to structure this with two entirely separate Kubernetes clusters.
  • These route servers are deployed as StatefulSets; these could be used to provide for configuration persistence but do not in this example.
  • Redundancy groups and anycast addressing:
    • Each node is assigned to redundancy group ("side") a or b.
    • cRPD pods are scheduled via StatefulSets, and will only be scheduled on a node of their appropriate side.
    • In this example, the same IP address is configured as a loopback on each device connecting to a k8s node. Serving as an anycast address, this enables to use of only one MetalLB BGPPeer manifest globally.
    • MetalLB is used to provide external addressing for BGP connectivity to the cRPD route servers, as well as load balancing if the StatefulSet's replicas setting is greater than 1 (or multiple deployments provide endpoints for the same service).
    • MetalLB is also used in this example to provide external addressing for traditional management connectivity (SSH) to the cRPD route servers.
    • LoadBalancer services use a Local externalTrafficPolicy. This is important to ensure that:
      • MetalLB only announces the external peering IP address of the route servers on nodes hosting route servers
      • cRPD's view of the peer shows the physical router's peering IP address (not critical for function but important for operational clarity)


  • Kubernetes environment with at least two nodes (one side=a and one side=b) and with coredns active. This example has been tested on k3s.
  • MetalLB:
    helm repo add metallb
    helm install -n metallb --create-namespace metallb metallb/metallb


  1. Follow the instructions in Quickstart using the example YAML files in examples/load-balanced-route-servers.

  2. Configure your routers servicing the nodes:

    1. With IP connectivity to the nodes.
    2. With the loopback IP address with which your MetalLB BGPPeer will peer. Do not advertise this IP address into a routing protocol.
    3. BGP peering to the Kubernetes nodes' physical interface IPs carrying unicast IPv4 routes for the spines' and leafs' loopback addresses.

    Configuration on the router may look like:

    Junos - If RS is in a DC fabric
    interfaces {
      lo0 {
        unit 0 {
          family inet {
            # Primary loopback address
            address {
            # MetalLB Anycast Peer
      ge-0/0/2 {
        description "meshrr-kube1 eth1";
        unit 0 {
          family inet {
    policy-options {
      policy-statement ADVERTISE-LOOPBACKS {
        term DENY-MESHRR-LB {
          from {
            route-filter exact;
          then reject;
        from {
          family inet;
          protocol direct;
          interface lo0.0;
        then accept;
      policy-statement ADVERTISE-MESHRR {
        from {
          family inet;
          protocol direct;
          interface ge-0/0/2.0;
        then accept;
    protocols {
      bgp {
        group MESHRR-LB {
            type external;
            ttl 1;
            family inet {
            peer-as 65000.3;
            local-as 65000.2 private;
    Junos - If RS is on the MPLS network in a VRF
    interfaces lo0 {
      unit 100 {
        family inet {
    routing-instances {
      DCI {
          instance-type vrf;
          protocols {
              bgp {
                  group DCI-RS {
                      type external;
                      multihop {
                          ttl 2;
                      peer-as 65000;
          interface lo0.100;
    IOS-XR - If RS is on the MPLS network in a VRF
    interface Loopback100
     vrf DCI
     ipv4 address
    router bgp 100
     vrf DCI
       remote-as 65000
       ebgp-multihop 2
       update-source Loopback100
       address-family ipv4 unicast
         route-policy PASS in
         route-policy PASS out
    route-policy PASS
  3. (Optional) Modify configuration templates as necessary. Customizations can be applied using several approaches, including configmaps mapped onto volumes. Such is not included or necessary in this example; see 2regions-hrr if you require an example of this.

  4. Modify the YAML files to your needs. At the least, <registryURL> will need to be replaced to reference your private registry. Load the YAML files for the Deployments, IPAddressPools, BGPAdvertisements, BGPPeers, and Services into Kubernetes as per Quickstart.

Required Kubernetes Manifests

  • meshrr-core.service.yml
    • Service/meshrr-core - Provides a headless service coordinating the meshrr function of automatically forming full-mesh iBGP peerings between route servers. Also includes the IPAddressPool and corresponding L2Advertisement for the management network connectivity of the route servers. (In a lab environment, a single L2 domain for cRPD management was sufficient.)
  • metallb-bgppeer-global.yml
    • - Peers MetalLB to the loopback deployed for on each router connecting to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • routeserver-<side>.ss.yml
    •<side> - Creates a pool containing the single address for the service per side. autoAssign: false ensures that the address is not allocated unless specifically requested by the service.
    •<side> - Advertises the address to all peers (by default) from all nodes that host and endpoint for the service.
    • Service/routeserver-<side> - Allocates the address based on the pool defined previously and uses it as an external address load balancing BGP to all healthy pods matching the criteria.
    • StatefulSet/routeserver-<side> - Creates a StatefulSet of the service for the side. In the routerserver-b example, replicas: 2, but for most production deployments, 1 should be sufficient and operationally simpler.