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GECK::Mapper - Fallout 2 map editor

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At the current stage this is nothing more than a map viewer but one day it will hopefully become a fully-featured map editor. Any help is appreciated.


Building from source

This repository contains dependencies as git submodules. When you clone the repository make sure to use the --recursive flag or once cloned download submodules with git submodule update --init --recursive

Make sure to use the Release and not the Debug version if you are not a developer as the Release version is much much faster in loading maps.


# Install dependencies (Ubuntu)
sudo apt install libsfml-dev

# Enter the cloned git repo folder
cd geck-map-editor
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..


The easiest way to build GECK on Windows is to use vcpkg for dependency management and the latest Visual Studio for compilation.

vcpkg.exe integrate install
vcpkg.exe install --triplet x64-windows sfml

Now just open the project in Visual Studio (File > Open > CMake...) and then build it (Build > Build All).


The easiest way to install SFML is using Homebrew.

brew install sfml


It's currently not possible to load assets directly from master.dat and critter.dat. You must extract these archives using dat-unpacker and convert all files to lowercase using the --transform option. By default GECK::Mapper will load files from the resources subdirectory.

Use arrow keys or right-click and drag to pan the view.

Left mouse click on an object to select it followed by a left click on en empty tile to place it there. Right mouse click or left mouse click on the same object unselects it.

Left mouse click on a tile to select it. Right mouse click unselects all tiles.

Ctrl + R to rotate selected object


The goal is to be compatible with vanilla Fallout 2. That means loading maps made in the old Mapper


I would have never been able to reach this stage without the code from Falltergeist, Klamath, FRM-Viewer, Dims Mapper and darkfo.

Useful links