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Build your own vue component library.

Facilitates and speeds up the development of multiple vue components (best used for a set of related components). Lists all components in one place and allows tagging and searching components. Adds individual demo page for each component to test different scenarios. Uses webpack to build the library in form of a vue single page app and gulp for generating new components and demo pages. Provides bundling of developed components.

How to use:

1. Installation

1.1 Prerequisites
  • node
  • yarn OR npm
1.2 Install dependencies

2. Development

2.1 Run the library dev server
yarn run dev
2.2 Generate components
yarn run generator  

You'll be asked to set the name of the component and (optionally) add some tags. Gulp tasks will generate the component, the component demo page and the required config for importing it into the library. Change the templates for demo page and component to reflect your needs.

3. Deployment

3.1 Build library for static hosting
yarn run build
3.2 Bundle components
yarn run bundle

You'll be asked to specify a name for the bundle. An equivalent bundle folder will be generated within '/bundles' which you can copy and insert in other projects to import your components.

Example: Assuming you created a bundle called "my-components" which includes a component named "example-component" and the location from where you import the bundle is a folder called "bundles", then import your components like this:

import { ExampleComponent } from 'bundles/my-components'

Adjust the import path based on where you use the import statement.


This project was created based on vue-webpack template. Added stylus support, lost grid system and cssnext via postcss, vue-svgicon with FontAwesome icons. Adjust the library build process as well as the gulp generator tasks to your needs, or add new stuff. Please create pull requests if you do so.

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