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Holistic understanding of Large Language Models (LLMs) involves integrating NLP, computer vision, audio processing, and reinforcement learning. GNNs capture intricate data relationships. Attention mechanisms, Transformer architectures, vision-language pre-training, audio processing with spectrograms, pre-trained embeddings, and reinforcement .

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Deep Learning University Lectures Repository

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deep learning architectures,

Repo structure

├─ Applied_DL
   ├─ 00 - Training.pdf
   ├─ 01 - Computer Vision
      ├─ 01 - Image Classification
         ├─ 01 - Large Networks.pdf
         ├─ 02 - Small Networks.pdf
         ├─ 03 - AutoML.pdf
         ├─ 04 - Robustness.pdf
         ├─ 05 - Visualizing & Understanding.pdf
         └─ 06 - Transfer Learning.pdf
      ├─ 02 - Image Transformation
         ├─ 01 - Semantic Segmentation.pdf
         ├─ 02 - Super-Resolution, Denoising, and Colorization.pdf
         ├─ 03 - Pose Estimation.pdf
         └─ 04 - Optical Flow and Depth Estimation.pdf
      ├─ 03 - Object Detection
         ├─ 01 - Two Stage Detectors.pdf
         └─ 02 - One Stage Detectors.pdf
      ├─ 04 - Face Recognition and Detection.pdf
      ├─ 05 - Video.pdf
      └─ 06 - 3D.pdf
   ├─ 02 - Natural Language Processing
      ├─ 01 - Word Representations.pdf
      ├─ 02 - Text Classification.pdf
      ├─ 03 - Neural Machine Translation.pdf
      └─ 04 - Language Modeling.pdf
   ├─ 03 - Multimodal Learning.pdf
   ├─ 04 - Generative Networks
      ├─ 01 - Variational Auto-Encoders.pdf
      ├─ 02 - Unconditional GANs.pdf
      ├─ 03 - Conditional GANs.pdf
      └─ 04 - Diffusion Models.pdf
   ├─ 05 - Advanced Topics
      ├─ 01 - Domain Adaptation.pdf
      ├─ 02 - Few Shot Learning.pdf
      ├─ 03 - Federated Learning.pdf
      ├─ 04 - Semi-Supervised Learning.pdf
      └─ 05 - Self-Supervised Learning.pdf
   ├─ 06 - Speech & Music
      ├─ 01 - Recognition.pdf
      ├─ 02 - Synthesis.pdf
      └─ 03 - Modeling.pdf
   ├─ 07 - Reinforcement Learning
      ├─ 01 - Games.pdf
      ├─ 02 - Simulated Environments.pdf
      ├─ 03 - Real Environments.pdf
      └─ 04 - Uncertainty Quantification & Multitask Learning.pdf
   ├─ 08 - Graph Neural Networks.pdf
   ├─ 09 - Recommender Systems.pdf
   ├─ 10 - Computational Biology.pdf
├─ Images
   └─ 1.jpeg
├─ MIT
   ├─ 6S191_MIT_DeepLearning_L1.pdf
   ├─ 6S191_MIT_DeepLearning_L2.pdf
   ├─ 6S191_MIT_DeepLearning_L3.pdf
   ├─ 6S191_MIT_DeepLearning_L4.pdf
   ├─ 6S191_MIT_DeepLearning_L5.pdf
   ├─ 6S191_MIT_DeepLearning_L6.pdf
   └─ DeepLearningBook.pdf
   ├─ 04Adaline.pdf
   ├─ 11785-NetworkOptimization-Fall23.pdf
   ├─ 11_785_HW2P2_S23_v2.pdf
   ├─ 11_785_hw3p2_S23-2.pdf
   ├─ 1706.03762.pdf
   ├─ Autograd_RecitationSlides_combined.pdf
   ├─ Bidirectional%20Recurrent%20Neural%20Networks.pdf
   ├─ F23-HW2P2-BOOTCAMP.pdf
   ├─ F23_Bootcamp 1_HW1P2.pdf
   ├─ Fall2023-RNN-Recitation.pdf
   ├─ HW1P1_F23.pdf
   ├─ HW1P2_F23.pdf
   ├─ HW2P1_Bootcamp_F23.pdf
   ├─ HW2P2_F23.pdf
   ├─ HW3P2_F23_Writeup_Updated.pdf
   ├─ HW4P2_S23.pdf
   ├─ How to compute a derivative.pdf
   ├─ Hw4_Part1_Bootcamp.pdf
   ├─ IDL_S23_Recitation_8__RNN_Basics.pdf
   ├─ LSTM.pdf
   ├─ Paper_Writing_Workshop.pdf
   ├─ Perceptrons-Epilogue-r.pdf
   ├─ Recitation_10.pdf
   ├─ Recitation_10_s23.pdf
   ├─ Recitation_4.pdf
   ├─ S23_Bootcamp 1_HW1P2.pdf
   ├─ Shannon49.pdf
   ├─ Werbos.pdf
   ├─ Your First MLP - S23.pdf
   ├─ booleancircuits_shannonproof.pdf
   ├─ c1992artificialneural.pdf
   ├─ derivatives and influences.pdf
   ├─ derivatives_and_influences.pdf
   ├─ duchi11a.pdf
   ├─ hw3p1_bootcamp_s23.pdf
   ├─ hw3p2_bootcamp_s23.pdf
   ├─ icml_2006.pdf
   ├─ lec0.logistics.pdf
   ├─ lec1.intro.pdf
   ├─ lec10.CNN2.pdf
   ├─ lec11.CNN3.pdf
   ├─ lec12.CNN4.pdf
   ├─ lec13.recurrent.pdf
   ├─ lec14.recurrent.pdf
   ├─ lec15.recurrent.pdf
   ├─ lec16.recurrent.pdf
   ├─ lec17.recurrent.pdf
   ├─ lec18.attention.pdf
   ├─ lec19.transformersLLMs.pdf
   ├─ lec2.universal.pdf
   ├─ lec20.representations.pdf
   ├─ lec21.VAE_1.pdf
   ├─ lec22.VAE_2.pdf
   ├─ lec23.diffusion.updated.pdf
   ├─ lec25.GAN2.pdf
   ├─ lec26.hopfieldBM.pdf
   ├─ lec3.learning.pdf
   ├─ lec4.learning.pdf
   ├─ lec5.pdf
   ├─ lec6.pdf
   ├─ lec8.optimizersandregularizers.pdf
   ├─ lec9.CNN1.pdf
   ├─ lec_24_GAN1.pdf
   ├─ naturebp.pdf
   ├─ perc.converge.pdf
   ├─ recitation12-slides.pdf
   ├─ s23_hw1_hackathon.pdf
   ├─ s23_hw1_hackathon2.pdf
   └─ turing3.pdf
├─ New folder
├─ Notes
   ├─ LLM Architectures_8.8.2023.pdf
   ├─ decision theory
      ├─ Problem Session 1 -- Probability Review.pdf
      ├─ Problem Session 2 -- Bayesian Networks w solns.pdf
      ├─ Problem Session 2 -- Bayesian Networks.pdf
      ├─ Problem Session 4 -- Exact Solution Methods w solns.pdf
      ├─ Problem Session 4 -- Exact Solution Methods.pdf
      ├─ Problem Session 5 -- Policy Search w solns.pdf
      ├─ Problem Session 5 -- Policy Search.pdf
      └─ Problem Session 7 -- Reinforcement Learning.pdf
   ├─ dm.pdf
   ├─ llmintro.pdf
   ├─ main_notes.pdf
   └─ tuebingen
      ├─ lec_01_introduction.pdf
      ├─ lec_02_computation_graphs.pdf
      ├─ lec_03_deep_networks_1.pdf
      ├─ lec_04_deep_networks_2.pdf
      ├─ lec_05_regularization.pdf
      ├─ lec_06_optimization.pdf
      ├─ lec_07_convolutional_neural_networks.pdf
      ├─ lec_08_sequence_models.pdf
      ├─ lec_09_natural_language_processing.pdf
      ├─ lec_10_graph_neural_networks.pdf
      ├─ lec_11_autoencoders.pdf
      └─ lec_12_generative_adversarial_networks.pdf
├─ RAG
   ├─ RAG_Slide_ENG.pdf
├─ Surveys
   ├─ Beyond Efficiency_2024_jan_4.pdf
   ├─ CMMMU_2024_jan_22 surveys_textbook.pdf
   ├─ LLMs_survey_software_23_dec_2023.pdf
   ├─ Large Language Models for Generative Information Extraction_2023_dec.pdf
   ├─ RL_survey_2023_22.pdf
   ├─ Video Understanding with Large Language Models_2024_jan_4.pdf
   ├─ lec1.pptx
   └─ self_reqardining_language_model.pdf
├─ berkeley_deep learning
   ├─ hw1.pdf
   ├─ hw2.pdf
   ├─ hw3.pdf
   ├─ hw4.pdf
   ├─ hw5.pdf
   ├─ lec-1.pdf
   ├─ lec-10.pdf
   ├─ lec-11.pdf
   ├─ lec-12.pdf
   ├─ lec-13.pdf
   ├─ lec-14.pdf
   ├─ lec-15.pdf
   ├─ lec-16.pdf
   ├─ lec-17.pdf
   ├─ lec-18.pdf
   ├─ lec-19.pdf
   ├─ lec-2.pdf
   ├─ lec-20.pdf
   ├─ lec-21.pdf
   ├─ lec-22.pdf
   ├─ lec-23.pdf
   ├─ lec-3.pdf
   ├─ lec-4.pdf
   ├─ lec-5.pdf
   ├─ lec-6.pdf
   ├─ lec-7.pdf
   ├─ lec-8.pdf
   ├─ lec-9.pdf
   └─ project_assignment.pdf
├─ chinese university of HONG kong
   └─ LLMS
      ├─ 2005.11401.pdf
      ├─ 2012.07805.pdf
      ├─ 2101.03961.pdf
      ├─ 2103.00020.pdf
      ├─ Lecture 8_ Multimodal_LLMs.pdf
      ├─ Lecture-10-Vertical-LLMs.pdf
      ├─ Lecture-5-Efficiency.pdf
      ├─ Lecture-7-Knowledge-and-Reasoning.pdf
      ├─ Lecture-9-LLM-Agents.pdf
      ├─ Lecture4-TrainingLLMs.pdf
      ├─ Tutorial1-1-ChatgptAPI.pdf
      ├─ lecture-1-introduction.pdf
      ├─ lecture-2-language-model.pdf
      ├─ lecture-3-architecture.pdf
      └─ lecture-6-mid-review.pdf
├─ cs131-class-notes.pdf
├─ data-08-00141-v2.pdf
├─ nono
   ├─ 1106.1813.pdf
   ├─ 5021-distributed-representations-of-words-and-phrases-and-their-compositionality.pdf
   ├─ homework1-spring-2019.pdf
   ├─ homework2-spring-2019.pdf
   ├─ homework3-spring-2019.pdf
   ├─ homework4-spring-2019.pdf
   ├─ homework5-spring-2019.pdf
   └─ tsmcb09.pdf
├─ princeton
   ├─ 1706.03762.pdf
   ├─ 1802.05365.pdf
   ├─ 1810.04805.pdf
   ├─ 1907.11692.pdf
   ├─ 1910.10683.pdf
   ├─ 1910.13461.pdf
   ├─ 2002.12327.pdf
   ├─ 2003.10555.pdf
   ├─ 2005.14165.pdf
   ├─ 2010.11934.pdf
   ├─ 2108.07258.pdf
   ├─ 2208.01448.pdf
   ├─ Daedalus_Sp22_09_Manning.pdf
   ├─ language_understanding_paper.pdf
   ├─ lec01.pdf
   ├─ lec02.pdf
   └─ lec03.pdf
├─ southern califorina
   ├─ deep learnings.pdf
   ├─ lec1.pdf
   ├─ lec10.pdf
   ├─ lec11.pdf
   ├─ lec12.pdf
   ├─ lec13.pdf
   ├─ lec14.pdf
   ├─ lec15.pdf
   ├─ lec16.pdf
   ├─ lec2.pdf
   ├─ lec3.pdf
   ├─ lec4.pdf
   ├─ lec5.pdf
   ├─ lec6.pdf
   ├─ lec7.pdf
   ├─ lec8.pdf
   ├─ lec9.pdf
   └─ pptx
      ├─ lec1.pptx
      ├─ lec10.pptx
      ├─ lec11.pptx
      ├─ lec12.pptx
      ├─ lec13.pptx
      ├─ lec14.pptx
      ├─ lec15.pptx
      ├─ lec16.pptx
      ├─ lec2.pptx
      ├─ lec3.pptx
      ├─ lec4.pptx
      ├─ lec5.pptx
      ├─ lec6.pptx
      ├─ lec7.pptx
      ├─ lec8.pptx
      └─ lec9.pptx
├─ stanford
   ├─ Computer Vision
      ├─ 1206.5533v2.pdf
      ├─ 4824-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks.pdf
      ├─ derivatives.pdf
      ├─ lecture_10.pdf
      ├─ lecture_11.pdf
      ├─ lecture_12.pdf
      ├─ lecture_13.pdf
      ├─ lecture_14.pdf
      ├─ lecture_15.pdf
      ├─ lecture_16.pdf
      ├─ lecture_1_part_1.pdf
      ├─ lecture_1_part_2.pdf
      ├─ lecture_2.pdf
      ├─ lecture_3.pdf
      ├─ lecture_4.pdf
      ├─ lecture_5.pdf
      ├─ lecture_6.pdf
      ├─ lecture_7.pdf
      ├─ lecture_8.pdf
      ├─ lecture_9.pdf
      ├─ lecun-98b.pdf
      ├─ linear-backprop.pdf
      ├─ section_2.pdf
      ├─ section_3.pdf
      ├─ section_5.pdf
      └─ tricks-2012.pdf
   ├─ DeepGenerativeModels
      ├─ annrev.pdf
      ├─ cs229-linalg.pdf
      ├─ cs229-prob.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture10.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture11.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture12.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture17.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture18.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture2.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture3.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture4.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture5.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture6.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture7.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture8.pdf
      ├─ cs236_lecture9.pdf
      ├─ lecture15.pdf
      └─ pptx
         ├─ cs236_lecture1_2023.pptx
         ├─ lecture 13.pptx
         ├─ lecture16-2023-comp.pptx
         └─ lecture_14_comp.pptx
   ├─ Machine Learning with Graphs
      ├─ 01-intro.pdf
      ├─ 02-nodeemb.pdf
      ├─ 03-GNN1.pdf
      ├─ 04-GNN2.pdf
      ├─ 05-GNN3.pdf
      ├─ 06-theory.pdf
      ├─ 07-hetero.pdf
      ├─ 08-kg.pdf
      ├─ 09-reasoning.pdf
      ├─ 10-motifs.pdf
      ├─ 11-recsys.pdf
      ├─ 12-deep-generation.pdf
      ├─ 13-advanced_gnns.pdf
      ├─ 14-graph-transformer.pdf
      ├─ 1403.6652.pdf
      ├─ 1412.6575.pdf
      ├─ 15-scalable.pdf
      ├─ 1506.01094.pdf
      ├─ 16-snap.pdf
      ├─ 1606.06357.pdf
      ├─ 1607.00653.pdf
      ├─ 1609.02907.pdf
      ├─ 17-linkpred.pdf
      ├─ 1703.06103.pdf
      ├─ 1705.07874.pdf
      ├─ 1706.02216.pdf
      ├─ 1710.02971.pdf
      ├─ 1710.10903.pdf
      ├─ 18-algo-reasoning-gnns.pdf
      ├─ 1802.08773.pdf
      ├─ 1805.07984.pdf
      ├─ 1806.01445.pdf
      ├─ 1806.01973.pdf
      ├─ 1806.02473.pdf
      ├─ 1806.08804.pdf
      ├─ 1810.00826.pdf
      ├─ 19-conclusion.pdf
      ├─ 1902.07153.pdf
      ├─ 1902.10197.pdf
      ├─ 1903.03894.pdf
      ├─ 1905.07953.pdf
      ├─ 1905.08108.pdf
      ├─ 1905.13211.pdf
      ├─ 1906.04817.pdf
      ├─ 1cecc7a77928ca8133fa24680a88d2f9-Paper.pdf
      ├─ 2002.02126.pdf
      ├─ 2002.05969.pdf
      ├─ 2003.01332.pdf
      ├─ 2007.03092.pdf
      ├─ 2009.11848.pdf
      ├─ 2011.08843.pdf
      ├─ 2012.15445.pdf
      ├─ 2101.10320.pdf
      ├─ 2106.05234.pdf
      ├─ 2202.13013.pdf
      ├─ 2205.07424.pdf
      ├─ 2206.09677.pdf
      ├─ 2302.04181.pdf
      ├─ CS_224W_Fall_2023_HW1.pdf
      ├─ CS_224W_Fall_2023_HW2.pdf
      ├─ CS_224W_Fall_2023_HW3.pdf
      ├─ Intro_Causality.pdf
      └─ aaai2015_transr.pdf
   ├─ NLP
      ├─ NLP
         ├─ Been-Kim-StanfordLectureMarch2023.pdf
         ├─ Danqi-QA-slides-2022.pdf
         ├─ Multimodal-Deep-Learning-CS224n-Kiela.pdf
         ├─ Vinodkumar_Prabhakaran_Socially_Responsible_NLP.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture01-wordvecs1.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture02-wordvecs2.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture03-neuralnets.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture04-dep-parsing-annotated.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture04-dep-parsing.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture05-rnnlm.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture06-fancy-rnn.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture07-nmt.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture08-final-project.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture09-transformers.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture10-pretraining.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture11-qa-v2.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture11-qa.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture12-generation.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture13-coref.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture14-t5.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture15-lm.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture16-ethics.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture17-analysis.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2021-lecture18-future.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture-editing.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture-knowledge.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture01-wordvecs1.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture02-wordvecs2.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture03-neuralnets.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture04-dep-parsing.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture05-rnnlm.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture06-fancy-rnn.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture07-nmt.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture08-final-project.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture09-transformers.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture10-pretraining.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture12-generation-final.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture15-guu.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture16-CNN-TreeRNN.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2022-lecture18-coref.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture01-wordvecs1.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture02-wordvecs2.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture03-neuralnets.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture04-dep-parsing.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture05-rnnlm.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture06-fancy-rnn.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture07-final-project.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture08-transformers.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture10-nlg.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture11-prompting-rlhf.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture12-QA.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture13-CNN-TreeRNN.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture14-insights-linguistics.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture15-code-generation.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture17-coref.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture18-analysis.pdf
         ├─ cs224n-2023-lecture9-pretraining.pdf
         └─ cs224n-lecture-09-anna-goldie-2022-02-01.pdf
      └─ eisenstein-nlp-notes.pdf
   ├─ RL
      ├─ Reinforcement lectures
         ├─ CS234 2023 Batch Policy Evaluation.pdf
         ├─ DL-Pytorch.pdf
         ├─ DQNNaturePaper.pdf
         ├─ MBIEEB.pdf
         ├─ PACnotes.pdf
         ├─ Pg2post.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb10.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb10_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb17.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb17_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb24.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb24_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb3.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb3_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan13.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan13_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan20.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan20_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan27.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan27_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Mar10.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Mar10_solutions.pdf
         ├─ batch_learning_post.pdf
         ├─ batch_nosol.pdf
         ├─ batch_policy_learning.pdf
         ├─ book.pdf
         ├─ cs229-linalg.pdf
         ├─ cs229-prob.pdf
         ├─ cs235-lecture15-post.pdf
         ├─ dqn.pdf
         ├─ imitation-post.pdf
         ├─ imitation.pdf
         ├─ imitationpost.pdf
         ├─ lecture1.pdf
         ├─ lecture10.pdf
         ├─ lecture10post.pdf
         ├─ lecture11-2023.pdf
         ├─ lecture11post.pdf
         ├─ lecture12.pdf
         ├─ lecture12post.pdf
         ├─ lecture13.pdf
         ├─ lecture13_post.pdf
         ├─ lecture15.pdf
         ├─ lecture15_annotated.pdf
         ├─ lecture1post.pdf
         ├─ lecture2.pdf
         ├─ lecture2post.pdf
         ├─ lecture3.pdf
         ├─ lecture3post.pdf
         ├─ lecture4.pdf
         ├─ lecture4post.pdf
         ├─ lecture5.pdf
         ├─ lecture5post.pdf
         ├─ lecture6.pdf
         ├─ lecture6_post.pdf
         ├─ lecture7.pdf
         ├─ lecture7_ns.pdf
         ├─ lecture7_post.pdf
         ├─ lecture7post.pdf
         ├─ lecture9post.pdf
         ├─ lecture_week10.pdf
         ├─ lnotes11.pdf
         ├─ lnotes2.pdf
         ├─ lnotes3.pdf
         ├─ lnotes4.pdf
         ├─ lnotes5.pdf
         ├─ lnotes6.pdf
         ├─ lnotes7.pdf
         ├─ lnotes8.pdf
         ├─ lnotes9.pdf
         ├─ pg2.pdf
         └─ winter2023_lecture_batch_policy_evalclass.pdf
      └─ Reinforcement_p
         ├─ CS234_ProblemSession1.pdf
         ├─ CS234_ProblemSession1_Solutions.pdf
         ├─ CS234_ProblemSession2.pdf
         ├─ CS234_ProblemSession2_Solutions.pdf
         ├─ CS234_ProblemSession3.pdf
         ├─ CS234_ProblemSession3_Solutions.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession1.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession1_Solutions.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession2.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession2_Solutions.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession3.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession3_Solutions.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession4.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession4_Solutions.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession5.pdf
         ├─ CS234_Win23_ProblemSession5_Solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb10.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb10_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb17.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb17_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb24.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb24_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb3.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Feb3_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan13.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan13_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan20.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan20_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan27.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Jan27_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Mar10.pdf
         ├─ Problem_Sessions_CS234_Mar10_solutions.pdf
         ├─ Quiz0.pdf
         ├─ Quiz0_solution.pdf
         ├─ Quiz1_solution.pdf
         ├─ Quiz2_solution.pdf
         ├─ RLbook2018.pdf
         └─ talk.pdf
   ├─ cs231n_standford
      ├─ 1206.5533v2.pdf
      ├─ 1701.00160.pdf
      ├─ 4824-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks.pdf
      ├─ derivatives.pdf
      ├─ lecture_10.pdf
      ├─ lecture_11.pdf
      ├─ lecture_12.pdf
      ├─ lecture_13.pdf
      ├─ lecture_14.pdf
      ├─ lecture_16_Hao.pdf
      ├─ lecture_17.pdf
      ├─ lecture_18.pdf
      ├─ lecture_1_feifei.pdf
      ├─ lecture_1_ranjay.pdf
      ├─ lecture_2.pdf
      ├─ lecture_3.pdf
      ├─ lecture_4.pdf
      ├─ lecture_5.pdf
      ├─ lecture_6.pdf
      ├─ lecture_7.pdf
      ├─ lecture_8.pdf
      ├─ lecture_9.pdf
      ├─ lecture_HAI.pdf
      ├─ lecun-98b.pdf
      ├─ linear-backprop.pdf
      ├─ section_2_annotated.pdf
      ├─ section_2_backprop.pdf
      ├─ section_3_project.pdf
      ├─ section_5_midterm.pdf
      ├─ section_7_detection.pdf
      ├─ section_8_video.pdf
      └─ tricks-2012.pdf
   └─ standford231
      ├─ activation_f.pdf
      ├─ applications.pdf
      ├─ attention_models.pdf
      ├─ autoencoders.pdf
      ├─ backprop.pdf
      ├─ biblio.pdf
      ├─ biblio.pdf~
      ├─ bn_layer.pdf
      ├─ conv_layer.pdf
      ├─ data_aug_trans.pdf
      ├─ data_preprocessing.pdf
      ├─ dropout.pdf
      ├─ famous_networks.pdf
      ├─ fc_layer.pdf
      ├─ gans.pdf
      ├─ hw_layer.pdf
      ├─ hyper_parms_tun.pdf
      ├─ in_layer.pdf
      ├─ loss_f.pdf
      ├─ nn.pdf
      ├─ others.pdf
      ├─ params_init.pdf
      ├─ params_up.pdf
      ├─ part_Applications.pdf
      ├─ part_Data.pdf
      ├─ part_Layers.pdf
      ├─ part_Learning.pdf
      ├─ part_Networks.pdf
      ├─ pool_layer.pdf
      ├─ recurrent_neural_networks.pdf
      ├─ region_based_cnn.pdf
      ├─ rnn_convnet.pdf
      ├─ spatial_transformer_networks.pdf
      ├─ title.pdf
      ├─ tricks.pdf
      ├─ upsampling_layer.pdf
      ├─ visualization.pdf
      └─ yolo.pdf
└─ toronto
   ├─ pdf
      ├─ lec1.pdf
      ├─ lec10.pdf
      ├─ lec11.pdf
      ├─ lec12.pdf
      ├─ lec13.pdf
      ├─ lec14.pdf
      ├─ lec15.pdf
      ├─ lec16.pdf
      ├─ lec2.pdf
      ├─ lec3.pdf
      ├─ lec4.pdf
      ├─ lec5.pdf
      ├─ lec6.pdf
      ├─ lec7.pdf
      ├─ lec8.pdf
      └─ lec9.pdf
   └─ pptx
      ├─ lec1.pptx
      ├─ lec10.pptx
      ├─ lec11.pptx
      ├─ lec12.pptx
      ├─ lec13.pptx
      ├─ lec14.pptx
      ├─ lec15.pptx
      ├─ lec16.pptx
      ├─ lec2.pptx
      ├─ lec3.pptx
      ├─ lec4.pptx
      ├─ lec5.pptx
      ├─ lec6.pptx
      ├─ lec7.pptx
      ├─ lec8.pptx
      └─ lec9.pptx


Holistic understanding of Large Language Models (LLMs) involves integrating NLP, computer vision, audio processing, and reinforcement learning. GNNs capture intricate data relationships. Attention mechanisms, Transformer architectures, vision-language pre-training, audio processing with spectrograms, pre-trained embeddings, and reinforcement .







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