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Releases: Goobley/Lightweaver


28 Mar 12:38
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  • Fix for LTE populations when Debye shielding is disabled
  • Fix for typo in ABO (Barklem) broadening for lines on neutral atoms.


21 Mar 16:27
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  • Added check to prevent axes from being put into the atmosphere inverted
  • Only add continuum edpe point for an explicit continuum if the final grid point is more than 0.01 nm shorter

CRTAF Updates

19 Feb 21:55
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Fixes for upcoming CRTAF standardisation, and key changes.

CRTAF Integration

19 Feb 17:19
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Addition of a crtaf module to handle integration with the forthcoming CRTAF standard.

Bugfix for MSVC AVX2FMA compile

09 Feb 10:47
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Bitwise operations no longer supported directly by MSVC, switching to intrinsic based forms.

Support for PRD Transitions on detailed static atoms

25 Jan 16:57
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Detailed static atoms with fixed populations can now have the PRD emission coefficient rho evaluated. This is enabled by default, but can be disabled by setting detailedAtomPrd=False in the Context constructor.

Bugfixes & Newer Python Support

08 Jan 17:00
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Closing a few outstanding issues and adding full build support for 3.11 and 3.12 🚀

SIMD Exp Fixes

02 Nov 15:17
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SIMD Exp Fixes Pre-release

Added proper bounds checking to SIMD wide-exp function, as it was blowing up in the exp(-hnu/kT) term for continua at very short wavelengths (< 1 nm). This is very unlikely to have affected results, as it produces NaNs as soon as it explodes. The new value correctly gets truncated to 0.

Editable Build Fixes

22 Sep 15:59
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Due to setuptools now defaulting to a PEP660 build system, the previous develop/editable build process no longer works, breaking the docs workflow/a develop build by default. This redesigned should fix editable installs.

Domain Decomposition Support + NumPy Version Updates

22 Sep 12:23
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Adds support for ZPlaneDecomposition for 1D and 2D atmospheres, to be used in conjunction with this MPI layer, via mpi4py.
Removed the block on numpy versions due to numba 0.55.

Minor loop indexing bugfix in configure_hprd_coeffs which may trigger an assert on some cpp stdlibs.