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GameMaker 语言-完成!!!! 至此,2023.2月的帮助文档翻译工作完成,真是他妈辛苦我了
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yunzlp committed Mar 13, 2024
1 parent 0b3b2e3 commit e2c59d4
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Showing 667 changed files with 3,644 additions and 612 deletions.
42 changes: 41 additions & 1 deletion language/zh/global.json
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
" Range":"范围",
" Type ":"类型(Type)",
"<span data-open-text=\"true\" data-skip-index=\"true\" class=\"rh-hide\" hidden=\"\">Quick Start Guide</span><span data-close-text=\"true\">Quick Start Guide</span>":"<span data-open-text=\"true\" data-skip-index=\"true\" class=\"rh-hide\" hidden=\"\">快速入门指南</span><span data-close-text=\"true\">快速入门指南</span>",
"A Remote Worker is a special program that GameMaker Studio 2 will use on certain platforms to create your game executables without actually running the GameMaker Studio 2 IDE on that platform":"Remote Worker是一个特殊的程序,GameMaker Studio 2将使用它在特定平台上创建游戏可执行文件,而无需在该平台上实际运行GameMaker Studio 2 IDE",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
"Additional Information":"额外的信息",
"Addressing Variables In Other Instances":"在其他实例中处理变量",
"All Element Types":"所有元素类型",
"An absolute value is one where the sign of the value is ignored, essentially converting all values into positive ones or zero. So - for example - an absolute value for -10 would be 10.":"绝对值是指忽略该值的符号的值,实际上将所有值都转换为正值或零。因此例如-10的绝对值为10。",
"An algorithm is basically a set of instructions or rules designed to solve a definite problem. The problem can be simple like adding two numbers or a complex one, such as converting a video file from one format to another or compressing audio into a smaller file size..":"算法基本上是一组旨在解决确定问题的指令或规则。问题可能很简单,例如将两个数字相加或将其复杂化,例如将视频文件从一种格式转换为另一种格式,或者将音频压缩为较小的文件大小。",
"An argument&nbsp;(also known as a parameter) is a value that is passed into a function. For example, the GameMaker Language function \u0027sqr(num)\u0027 is a function that will give you the square of a number that you provide as the argument, eg: \u0027a = sqr(4);\u0027 Here the argument is 4, and the function will return 16, which is stored in the variable \u0027a\u0027.":"也称为参数(parameter argument)是传递给函数的值。例如,GameMaker语言函数\u0027sqr(num)\u0027是将给您提供作为参数的数字平方的函数,例如:\u0027a=sqr(4);\u0027这里的参数是4,函数将返回16,该值存储在变量“ a”中。",
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"Auto Tiles":"自动图块",
"Autocapitalization Type":"自动大写类型",
"Background Element Type":"背景元素类型",
"Background Layers":"背景图层",
"Base Types":"基本类型",
"Basic Code Structure":"基本代码结构",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,37 +210,63 @@
"Evaluation Order":"运算顺序",
"Event Order":"事件顺序",
"Example 1 (Trimming Spaces):":"示例 1( 修剪空间):",
"Example 1:":"示例1:",
"Example 1: \"depth = -y\"":"示例 1:\"depth = -y\"",
"Example 1: Basic Movement":"例1:基本运动",
"Example 1: Basic Reference to an Instance Variable":"示例 1:对实例变量的基本引用",
"Example 1: Basic Usage":"示例 1:基本用法",
"Example 1: Basic Use":"示例1:基本使用",
"Example 1: Check if any of the given values is present in an array":"示例1:检查数组中是否存在任何给定值",
"Example 1: Copying an entire buffer\u0027s contents":"示例 1:复制整个缓冲区的内容",
"Example 1: Deleting the first 5 elements":"示例1:删除前5个元素",
"Example 1: Inserting a single value":"示例1:插入单个值",
"Example 1: Launching an Included Game (on Windows)":"示例 1:启动附带的游戏 (在 Windows 上)",
"Example 1: Particle Type Info":"示例1:粒子类型信息",
"Example 1: Playing a basic sound (similar to audio_play_sound)":"示例 1:播放基本声音 (类似于 audio_play_sound)",
"Example 1: Replace an object ID with another object ID":"示例 1:用另一个对象 ID 替换对象 ID",
"Example 1: Showing the output&nbsp;":"示例1:显示输出",
"Example 2 (Trimming Newlines):":"示例 2( 修剪换行符):",
"Example 2 (Using An Array):":"示例 2( 使用数组):",
"Example 2:":"示例2:",
"Example 2: Assigning a Static Struct to a Pure Data Struct":"示例 2:将静态结构分配给纯数据结构",
"Example 2: Basic Reference to an Array Index":"示例 2:对数组索引的基本引用",
"Example 2: Check if all values are present in an array":"示例2:检查数组中是否存在所有值",
"Example 2: Copying from a buffer, starting at an offset":"示例 2:从偏移量开始从缓冲区复制",
"Example 2: Custom Data Types":"示例 2:自定义数据类型",
"Example 2: Deleting the last 3 elements":"示例2:删除最后3个元素",
"Example 2: Drawing an Hourglass Shape using Circles":"示例 2:使用圆圈绘制沙漏形状",
"Example 2: Filter Function":"示例 2:过滤功能",
"Example 2: Going Up in the Static Chain":"示例 2:在静态链中向上移动",
"Example 2: Including Static Variables":"示例2:包含静态变量",
"Example 2: Inserting multiple values":"示例2:插入多个值",
"Example 2: Listing Emitter Names":"示例2:列出发射器名称",
"Example 2: Negative Length":"示例2:负长度",
"Example 2: Negative Offset &amp; Stride":"示例 2:负偏移量和负偏移量跨步",
"Example 2: Playing a sound on an emitter (similar to audio_play_sound_on)":"示例 2:在发射器上播放声音 (类似于 audio_play_sound_on)",
"Example 2: Pretty Print":"示例2:美化输出",
"Example 2: Progressively Drawing a Line":"示例 2:逐步绘制一条线",
"Example 2: Queue using array_shift and array_push":"示例2:使用 array_shift 和 array_push 的队列",
"Example 2: Replace the first instance of an object ID with an instance ID":"示例 2:将对象 ID 的第一个实例替换为实例 ID",
"Example 2: Reserved Strings":"示例2:保留字符串",
"Example 2: Returning to the Main/Launcher Game (on Windows)":"示例 2:返回主 / 启动器游戏 (在 Windows 上)",
"Example 2: Showing Instances Collided With":"例2:显示与之碰撞的实例",
"Example 2: Using a Mapping Function":"示例 2:使用映射函数",
"Example 2: array of arrays":"示例2:数组的数组",
"Example 2:&nbsp;Animated Sprite That Starts Playing at Sub-image":"示例2:在子图像处开始播放的动画精灵",
"Example 2:&nbsp;Finding the top-left corner position of a tile":"示例2:查找拼贴的左上角位置",
"Example 3 (Using An Array):":"示例 3( 使用数组):",
"Example 3: Complex Reference":"示例 3:复杂引用",
"Example 3: Deleting a range":"示例3:删除范围",
"Example 3: Groups of Vertices":"示例 3:顶点组",
"Example 3: Overriding Values":"示例 3:覆盖值",
"Example 3: Playing a sound at a given position in 3D audio space (similar to audio_play_sound_at)":"示例 3:在 3D 音频空间中的给定位置播放声音 (类似于 audio_play_sound_at)",
"Example 3: Rotate an Array":"示例3:旋转数组",
"Example 3: Stride set to 0":"示例 3:步幅设置为 0",
"Example 4: Complex Array Reference":"示例 4:复杂数组参考",
"Example 4: Interleaving Data from Multiple Buffers":"示例 4:交错来自多个缓冲区的数据",
"Example: Basic Use":"示例:基本使用",
"Example: Particle System Following an Instance":"示例:跟随实例的粒子系统",
"Example: Sprite View for an Instance\u0027s Sprite":"示例:一个实例的精灵的精灵视图",
"Expressions And Operators":"表达式和运算符",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,6 +296,7 @@
"Flick Event":"轻击事件",
"Floating point numbers are numbers that contain decimal points. For example, the numbers 5.5, 0.001, and -2,345.6789 are floating point numbers. Numbers that do not have decimal places are called integers (e.g. 2, 56, 1400).":"浮点数是包含浮点小数的数字。例如,数字5.5、0.001和-2,345.6789是浮点数。没有小数位的数字称为整数。",
"Font Editor Preferences":"字体编辑器首选项",
"Font Range Constant":"字体范围常数",
"For sprites, the bounding-box is the name given to the edges of the area that collisions will initially be detected in, and it doesn\u0027t have to be the same size as the sprite it\u0027s being applied to. For sequences, the bounding box is the outer edge of the total space that one or more assets occupy in the canvas.":"对于精灵来说,边界框是用于最初检测碰撞区域边缘的名称,它不必与它所应用的精灵大小相同。对于序列,边界框是画布中一个或多个资源占用的总空间的外缘。",
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"Gamepad Input":"游戏手柄输入",
"Garbage Collection":"垃圾回收",
"General Game Control":"通用游戏控制",
"General Game Control":"通常游戏控制",
"General Layer Functions":"常规图层函数",
"General Preferences":"常规首选项",
"Generating Object Events":"生成对象事件",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,6 +379,7 @@
"Input Type":"输入类型",
"Installation Guide":"安装指南",
"Instance Element Type":"实例元素类型",
"Instance Keywords":"实例关键字",
"Instance Variables":"实例变量",
Expand All @@ -369,6 +400,8 @@
"Language Features":"语言特点",
"Language Preferences":"语言首选项",
"Launch Parameters":"启动参数",
"Layer Element Info Struct":"层元素信息结构",
"Layer Properties":"图层属性",
"Layer Types And Properties":"图层类型和属性",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,6 +466,7 @@
"Particle Emitter Inf{}o{} Struct":"粒子发射器信息{}{}结构",
"Particle Emitter Mode Constant":"粒子发射器模式常量",
"Particle Emitters":"粒子发射器",
"Particle System Element Type":"粒子系统元素类型",
"Particle System Info Struct":"粒子系统信息结构",
"Particle Systems":"粒子系统",
"Particle Type Info Struct":"粒子类型信息结构",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -518,6 +552,7 @@
"Secondary Particles":"二次粒子",
"Sequence Direction Constant":"序列方向常量",
"Sequence Element Type":"序列元素类型",
"Sequence Events, Moments and Broadcast Messages":"事件、时刻和广播消息的序列",
"Sequence Layers":"序列图层",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,6 +588,7 @@
"Spline Editor":"样条线编辑器",
"Sprite Editor Preferences":"精灵编辑器首选项",
"Sprite Element Type":"精灵元素类型",
"Sprite Information":"精灵信息",
"Sprite Instance Variables":"精灵实例变量",
"Sprite Layers":"精灵图层",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -656,6 +692,8 @@
"This is a type of non-linear interpolation based on mathematical splines. It is used to estimate a new value by connecting two adjacent known values using \u0027smooth\u0027 curves (splines), and a new value can be derived from any point along the line.":"这是一种基于数学样条的非线性插值。它通过使用“平滑”曲线(样条线)连接两个相邻的已知值来估计新值,并且可以从沿线的任何点导出新值。(catmull-rom interpolation卡特莫尔罗插值)",
"This is an anacronym for Alpha, Red, Green, Blue, and is used to refer to the colour components specified as a hexadecimal value, eg: #FF53E270, where each set of two digits represents a single component. Breaking down the ARGB example above gives us the following component values: Alpha(FF), Red(53), Green(E2) and Blue(70). ":"这是Alpha,Red,Green,Blue的缩写,用于指代指定为十六进制值的颜色分量,例如:#FF53E270,其中每两位数字代表一个分量。分解上面的ARGB示例可以得到以下分量值:Alpha(FF),Red(53),Green(E2)和Blue(70)。",
"This stands for Hue, Saturation and Value and is a way of expressing a colour usually using values from 0 to 255. The hue is the colour hue value, the saturation is amount of the colour to be used, and the value is the brightness of the colour. ":"它代表“色相”,“饱和度”和“明度”,是一种通常使用0到255之间的值表示颜色的方式。色相是色相值,饱和度是要使用的颜色量,而明度是颜色明暗。",
"Tile Element Type":"平铺元素类型",
"Tile Map Element Type":"平铺地图元素类型",
"Tile Map Layers":"贴图层",
"Tile Set Editor Preferences":"图块集编辑器首选项",
"Tile Sets":"图块集",
Expand All @@ -666,6 +704,7 @@
"Time Sources":"时间源",
"Timeline Preferences":"时间线首选项",
"Transferring Data Between Buffers":"在缓冲区之间传输数据",
"Type Tables":"类型表",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -703,6 +742,7 @@
"Whitespace Characters":"空格字符",
"Windows Batch File Name":"Windows 批处理文件名",
"Windows Key Binding":"Windows 键位绑定",
"Working Directory":"工作目录",
"Workspace Preferences":"工作区首选项",
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"This section of the manual contain a collection of miscellaneous articles related to programming and the way the GameMaker Language works.&nbsp;The following articles are designed as companion articles to further expand your understanding of how GameMaker works and how to get the most from the different language features available:":"手册的这一部分包含了与编程和GameMaker语言工作方式相关的杂项文章。以下文章是作为配套文章设计的,旨在进一步扩展您对GameMaker工作方式的理解,以及如何从可用的不同语言功能中获得最大的好处:",
"Type Tables":"类型表",
"White-space Characters":"空格字符"
"White-space Characters":"空格字符",
"{}Additional Information{}":"{} 附加信息 {}"
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"The syntax for {}DS maps{}&nbsp;is:":"{}DS maps{} (数据结构映射) 语法为:",
"The syntax for&nbsp;{}DS Grids{}&nbsp;is:":"{}DS网格{}的语法为:",
"This accessor is essentially a wrapper for the functions&nbsp;{}{}{}variable_struct_get(){}{} and {}{}variable_struct_set(){}{}, and you would use it much like the accessor for a DS map.&nbsp;For example, if you have created a struct and want to retrieve a value from a variable called \"my_health\" then you\u0027d do:{}":"此访问器实质上是函数{}{}{}variable_struct_get(){}{}和{}{}variable_struct_set(){}{}的包装程序,您可以使用它,就像DS map的访问器一样。例如,如果您创建了一个结构,并希望从名为\"my_health\"的变量中检索一个值,则可以执行以下操作:{}",
"This accessor is essentially a wrapper for the functions&nbsp;{}{}{}variable_struct_get(){}{} and {}{}variable_struct_set(){}{}, and&nbsp;{}{}variable_global_get{}{}&nbsp;and&nbsp;{}{}variable_global_set{}{}&nbsp;if you access {}The Global Struct{}&nbsp;using the {}global{} keyword.{}":"如果您使用{19}global{20}关键字访问{17}全局结构{18},则该访问器本质上是函数{}{}{}variable_struct_get(){}{}和{}{}variable_struct_set(){}{}以及{}{}variable_global_get{}{}和{}{}variable_global_set{}{}的包装器。{}",
"This accessor is only used when the {}Copy on Write option{} is enabled.":"此访问器仅在启用{}写时复制选项{}时使用。",
"To set a variable in a struct then you would do the following":"要在结构中设置一个变量,你需要做以下工作",
"Using chained accessors for things not only means you can write more compact code, it will also permit you to use iteration (for example, using a {}{}for{}{}&nbsp;loop) and other techniques to access your data in a cleaner and more intuitive manner.":"对事物使用链接访问器不仅意味着您可以编写更紧凑的代码,还允许您使用迭代(例如,使用{}{}for{}{}循环)和其他技术以更干净、更直观的方式访问数据。",
Expand All @@ -53,6 +54,7 @@
"{}Structs [$ ]{}{}Structs [$ ]{}":"{}Structs [$ ]{}{}Structs [$ ]{} 结构",
"{}The struct accessor uses the {}{}{}${} sign as the identifier symbol. This makes the accessor syntax for {}structs{}:&nbsp;{}":"{}结构访问器使用{}{}{}${}符号作为标识符号。这使得{}结构{}的访问器语法为:{}",
"{}The syntax for {}structs{} is{}":"{}{}结构{}的语法为:{}",
"{}You would use it much like the accessor for a DS map.&nbsp;For example, if you have created a struct and want to retrieve a value from a variable called \"my_health\" then you\u0027d do:{}":"{}您可以像 DS 地图的访问器一样使用它。例如,如果您创建了一个结构体并希望从名为\"my_health\"的变量中检索值,那么您可以执行以下操作:{}",
"{}{}NOTE{}{}&nbsp;If the map already contains the same key value as you are trying to add, it will not create a duplicate key with the new value, but rather the previous value will be replaced.":"{}{}注意{}{}如果映射已经包含与您尝试添加的键值相同的键值,则不会使用新值创建重复的键值,而是会替换先前的值。",
"{}{}NOTE{}{}&nbsp;If the struct does not have a variable with the given name, then the accessor will return {}undefined{} as the value.":"{}{}注意{}{} 如果结构没有具有给定名称的变量,则访问器将返回 {}undefined{} 作为值。",
"{}{}NOTE{}{}&nbsp;You cannot use the array accessor {}@{}&nbsp; when working with the&nbsp;{}argument[n]{}&nbsp;array in&nbsp;script functions.":"{}{}注意{}{}在脚本函数中使用{}参数[n]{}数组时,不能使用数组访问器{}@{}。",
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