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Fachschaftssoftware zur Verwaltung von Altklausuren und deren Ausleihe

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Ruby version

The recommended software versions are

  • rails >=5.1
  • ruby >=2.3
  • node >=7

System dependencies

You should have the following packages installed (see Dockerfile)

  • build-essential
  • nodejs
  • npm
  • libpq-dev
  • wget
  • git
  • cron

You should provide a redis instance and an SMTP server.

We strongly recommend using the Docker--approach:


Non-Docker (Development environment)

  1. Install all needed packages (see above) 1a. Update node to version 8: sudo npm install -g n && sudo n 8 1b. Install ember: sudo npm install -g ember bower
  2. Clone this repository
  3. set the needed environment variables(use source for a quickstart)
  4. Create the needed database: rake db:create db:migrate
  5. Precompile the assets: rake assets:precompile
  6. Start the engines: rails s


  1. Have an running instance of postgresql
  2. Edit the development.env accordingly
  3. Build the docker-image docker build .
  4. Create the docker container: docker create --env-file=development.env --name Moozean -p 3008:3000 <hash of the image>
  5. Start the container docker start Moozean
  6. Create the database, if needed, docker exec Moozean bundle exec rake db:create
  7. Migrate the database, if needed, docker exec Moozean bundle exec rake db:migrate qc:update
  8. Done! Visit localhost:3008