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Docker for Ruby On Rails

This files are needed to start a Rails app though Docker, with the only condition of having installed Docker on your system.


  • I don't want to install anything, is there any link to see the see the project?

    • There isn't a Free hosting service to house the app, because all background workers are premium features.
    • If you want to the use the app, send me an email to or message me though linkedin
  • Do I need to install ruby on my pc?

    • No, you don't need to install ruby on your system, only Docker
  • Why is this approach is recommended instead of installing ruby and all it's services?

    • Because installing Ruby on Rails usually has a lot of differents issues, specially on Windows (the OS I developed the app).
  • If I already have installed Ruby On Rails 7 on my OS, can I still run the app?

    • Yes, you can. Just remember to install the same gems's versions, setup redis, sidekiq and the .env variables.
    • Keep in mind that the app wasn't made by this method, so I can't guaranteed you that it'll work.


  1. Create folder on your machine.
  2. Download this repo.
  3. Open CLI (cmd for Windows), navigate to the created folder and enter: docker-compose-build.
  4. Once is done, enter: docker-compose run --rm --service-ports ruby_dev to run the container with it's images.
  5. You'll in Rail's shell, to create a new project enter:

rails new myapp && cd myapp
note: change "myapp" to the name that you want.

  1. Run the server by using: rails server -p $PORT -b
  2. Enter http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to enter the app.

If you want to Run Sidekiq:

  1. Open a new CLI (don't worry about the directory).
  2. Type: docker ps to see all the running containers.
  3. Search for the one saying "schedule tweets" and copy it's ID.
  4. Enter: docker exec -it container_id bash (replace container_id for the copied ID) to enter debugging mode.
  5. Once again, you'll be in Rail's shell.
  6. To start the schedule tweet's jobs, enter: bundle exec sidekiq.
  7. That's it! Now you'll have the app running with all it's functions and you can use / explore / modify it as you please.


Docker-compose and Dockerfile to set Ruby On Rails environments







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