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Sophist edited this page Aug 26, 2018 · 17 revisions

dlFilter - Filter messages on file sharing chans

dlFilter is a firewall and text filtering script for mIRC, created with file-sharing channels in mind. This script helps to protect you from unsolicited spam and file transfers, and filters out the crud from file-sharing channels, leaving only the useful messages displayed in the channel.

Authors: DukeLupus and Sophist

Annoyed by advertising messages from the various file serving bots? Fed up with endless channel messages by other users searching for and requesting files? Are the responses to your own requests getting lost in the crowd? Do your channel screens look like this after only a minute or two:

no filter

Functions include:

  • For file sharing channels, filter out other peoples triggers, server adverts and spam, trivia questions and answers etc.
  • Collect @find results from file sharing channels into a custom window
  • Protect your computer from unsolicited DCC Sends
  • Better handling of private messages from other users
  • If you are a channel op, provide a separate chat window for operators

dlFilter has received a significant upgrade from the previous major release 1.16 with significant new functionality, which we hope will encourage strong take-up.

Feedback on this new version is appreciated. Now that dlFilter is hosted on Github, we welcome contributions of bug fixes and further improvement from the community.

For further information click one of the following links: