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⚡ A cross-platform swiss army knife tool for DevOps secrets management.


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Delinea DevOps Secrets Vault CLI

An automation tool for the management of credentials for applications, databases, CI/CD tools, and services.


Getting Started

Quick Start Install

ℹ️ Any Platform
  • Use with Docker.

    Docker Image Version (latest semver)


# Make sure these files exists already so they aren't created by docker with the incorrect permissions
mkdir $HOME/.thy/
touch $HOME/.dsv.yml

# Use CLI and have the credentials mounted to home
docker run --rm -it \
    -v ${HOME}/.thy/:/home/nonroot/.thy/ \
    -v ${HOME}/.dsv.yml:/home/nonroot/.dsv.yml \
    delineaxpm/dsv-cli:latest --version version
# Example reading config
docker run --rm -it \
    --user 65532 \
    -v ${HOME}/.thy/:/home/nonroot/.thy/ \
    -v ${HOME}/.dsv.yml:/home/nonroot/.dsv.yml \
    delineaxpm/dsv-cli:latest cli-config read

# Wrap in a shell function for easier invoking via your zsh or bash profile.
function dsv() {
  docker run --rm -it \
      -v ${HOME}/.thy/:/home/nonroot/.thy/ \
      -v ${HOME}/.dsv.yml:/home/nonroot/.dsv.yml \
      delineaxpm/dsv-cli:latest "$@"
  • 🔨 Download from prebuilt-binaries manually.

  • Aquaproject: aqua generate 'DelineaXPM/dsv-cli' -i and update your aqua.yml file.

  • PowerShell Cross-Platform (pwsh) with console selector (move to directory in $ENV:PATH for it to be universally discoverable):

    if (-not (Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools -Force -Confirm:$false -Scope CurrentUser
    $json=(Invoke-WebRequest -ContentType 'application/json' -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
    $download=$json.Links | get-member -Type NoteProperty | ForEach-Object {
        FileName = $_.Name
        DownloadLink = $json.Links.$($_.Name)
        OutFileName = ($json.Links.$($_.Name) -split '/')[-1]
    }} | Out-ConsoleGridView  -Title 'Delinea DevOps Secrets Vault CLI'
    $download | ForEach-Object { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.DownloadLink -OutFile $_.OutFileName -UseBasicParsing }
ℹ️ Mac & Linux

Mac & Linux

  • aqua-project provides a binary tool manager similar to Brew.
  • 🍺 Homebrew: brew install DelineaXPM/tap/dsv-cli.
    • Upgrade with: brew update && brew upgrade dsv-cli
  • Via Go (this will take longer than a binary install since it will build it):
    • run:
go install
mv $(go env GOPATH)/bin/dsv-cli $(go env GOPATH)/bin/dsv
echo "dsv is installed at: $(go env GOPATH)/bin"
echo "Add to your profile to ensure Go binaries are in path by using:\n\n"
echo "export PATH=\"\$(go env GOPATH)/bin:\${PATH}\"\n\n"
echo "Current DSV Binaries installed: \n$(which -a dsv)"
  • Curl (requires Go installed):

    go install
    version=$(curl -sb -H "Accept: application/json" | $(go env GOPATH)/bin/yq '.latest')
    echo "version: $version"
    curl -fSsl$version/dsv-darwin-x64 -o dsv && chmod +x ./dsv && sudo mv ./dsv /usr/local/bin
  • Curl (no Go required). Requires specifying the version:

    curl -fSsl -o dsv && chmod +x ./dsv && sudo mv ./dsv /usr/local/bin

note: It is not required to install to /usr/local/bin. If you choose to install to another location you'll want to make sure it's added to your PATH for the tool to be found.

ℹ️ Linux Only

Get it from the Snap Store

  • Via cli: snap install dsv-cli.
    • At this time add alias to your profile with: `alias dsv='dsv-cli', as the snap name is not aliased.
  • Note: Snaps update automatically (4 times a day as the default behavior as of 2023-01), but this can be run manually via snap refresh.
ℹ️ Windows


  • Scoop:

    • First time setup: scoop bucket add DelineaXPM
    • Install: scoop install DelineaXPM/dsv-cli.
    • Update: scoop update DelineaXPM/dsv-cli.
  • Using curl in Windows PowerShell (for cross-platform pwsh see top section) and move to whatever directory you want:

    $json=(Invoke-WebRequest -ContentType 'application/json' -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing).Content | ConvertFrom-Json
    # Change this to windows/386 if required to install x86.
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $json.links.'windows/amd64' -OutFile 'dsv.exe' -UseBasicParsing


See LICENSE for the full license text.


Andrii Zakurenyi
Tom Dillenbeck