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A CouchApp for storing, exploring, and aggregating logs

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Fubar is a CouchApp for scalable storage, exploration, and aggregation of log records, with a particular focus on errors. It has:

  • an overview showing the activity of all applications
  • standard log view showing a particular log in reverse chronological order
  • a nicely formatted log detail page
  • a logs-by-session report
  • a logs-by-IP report
  • a common errors report (showing common errors in the last 7 days, overall and by-application)

Initial CouchDB Setup

  1. Install Couch DB 1.2
  2. Go to Futon
  3. Add an admin user to Couch
  4. Create an errorlog database

Simple - for behind firewalls and proxies

This setup is appropriate when Fubar will not require strong security. This might be appropriate if:

  • Fubar will only be accessible via localhost
  • there will be IP restrictions in place
  • a firewall or other authentication will in place

So on top of the basic CouchDB setup:

  1. Install the Fubar CouchApp to errorlog. You can either:

  2. Fubar should now be available by browsing errorlog.

  3. Set up Fubar to log to errorlog, no username or password required.

Secure - for public facing databases

This setup is appropriate when Fubar will be exposed on a public server. The gist of the setup is that the UI will be put in a lightly secured database, and the log itself in another strictly secured database. Thus users can browse Fubar, but have to log in to access the data.

  1. Create a database called errorapp

  2. Edit errorlog and click "Security" - add your user to the list of admins AND users. You can also add less powerful users just to the users list.

  3. Install the Fubar CouchApp to errorapp. You can either:

  4. Fubar should now be available by browsing errorapp.

  5. Open Fubar and log in as an admin.

  6. Go to the Configuration page, and update the Log Database to errorlog

  7. Set up Fubar to log to errorlog, using the credentials for any user in the users list

Extra Credit

Increasing login session length

  1. Go to the Futon Configuration section
  2. Edit the couch_httpd_auth timeout value.

Database Compaction

The normal running of Couch can cause a lot of redundant data to build up - particularly after adding new documents.

  1. Go to the Futon Configuration section
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Add a new section".
  3. section: compactions, option: \_default, value: [{db_fragmentation, "70%"}, {view_fragmentation, "60%"}, {from, "23:00"}, {to, "04:00"}]

For more information about compaction options: Compaction.

Apache Proxy

The following can be set up to proxy Couch DB requests through an Apache Virtual:

LoadModule  proxy_module         modules/
LoadModule  proxy_http_module    modules/
LoadModule  headers_module       modules/
LoadModule  deflate_module       modules/

ProxyRequests off

<Location />
	ProxyPass http://localhost:5984/
    ProxyPassReverse /

This also makes it easy to add IP restrictions. Note that you can also add rewrite rules, but be careful that they don't interfere with the paths Couch expects.


Logs are POSTed to the couch database (usually errorlog) as JSON objects. Except where excepted below, they are all strings. Required fields are:

  • application
  • logtype: logs in Fubar are almost always grouped by this value
  • datetime: this should be a string parsable by JavaScript; we use mmmm, dd yyyy HH:mm:ss

Optional fields that are displayed automatically are:

  • machinename: the server
  • instancename: for cases where one server has multiple engine instances
  • sessionid: if this is available Fubar will link this to a view showing all logs for that session
  • message: if this is available (error logtype only) Fubar will link this to the application summary page, which shows how many of this error have occurred recently
  • browser: the user agent
  • host
  • httpreferer
  • scriptname & querystring: if these are available they will be displayed together as a link
  • remoteaddress: user's IP address; if this is available Fubar will link this value to a view showing all logs for that IP
  • bot: a string showing whether the application thought the user was a bot
  • version: an object; the string key will be displayed
  • farcry: an object; the string key will be displayed
  • engine: an object; the string key will be displayed


Is used to group all logs displayed by Fubar, and is used as a hook for customising the log summary and detail templates. Fubar currently has templates for these logtypes:


This logtype has an extra report in Fubar (Common Errors, which groups errors by message) that the others do not. The following extra fields are also displayed if available:

  • type: aka Exception Type
  • detail
  • extended_info
  • queryError
  • sql
  • where
  • stack: an array of template, line, location objects (if location == "project" then that stack line is emphasised)
  • url: aka Post-process URL (an object) - for cases where the URL as the application sees it is not the same as scriptname?querystring


  • url: aka Post-process URL (an object) - for cases where the URL as the application sees it is not the same as scriptname?querystring

types / rules

These logtypes were added for FarCry CRUD logs.

  • event
  • userid
  • object: the id of the object in question
  • objecttype
  • notes


  • event
  • userid
  • notes


Yes, there is a default detail view. Log types that don't have a custom detail view simply display all the non-standard keys in the log record. Keep in mind that it is limited to what JavaScript's toString function can do.


A CouchApp for storing, exploring, and aggregating logs






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